EA's Updated Sustainability and Climate Policies and SENG AGM

Wed, 2014-10-22 21:38 -- adminssee
Thursday, November 13, 2014 - 17:30
David Cruickshank-Boyd, National Deputy President, EA
AECOM Boardroom, Level 9, 8 Exhibition Street, Melbourne
Event Details: 


Your opportunity to contribute to Engineers Australia’s Sustainability Initiative.

Engineers Australia has commenced the development of an updated Sustainability Policy which will be presented to National Congress and Council for approval by the end of this year. The National Deputy President David Cruickshanks-Boyd is chair of the Steering Committee which has oversight of the development of this policy. Alice Howe the President of the Sustainable Engineering Society has led the Working Party which has developed the draft policy.

It is the intention of Engineers Australia to follow the eventual release of the new Sustainability Policy with an Implementation Plan to give effect to the policy, and at the AGM David Cruickshanks-Boyd will not only present the draft Sustainability Policy but also lead a discussion to help inform the development of the Sustainability Implementation Plan. We hope that as many members as possible will be able to attend the AGM to contribute to this discussion.


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