Comment on Policy

Fri, 2016-02-26 00:58 -- adminssee

As part of SENG's efforts to strengthen our voice and influence with Government to play a greater leadership role in shaping regulation, policy and legislation we have submitted the following  in association with Engineers Australia.


CSIRO Cuts to Research and Capability Cuts

May 2016

The following two letters were sent to the Prime Minister and the Chief Executive of CSIRO to express concern over the proposed cuts to the CSIRO budget and staffing in relation to the Oceans and Atmosphere Research Program.

Australia's Position at COP 21, Paris 2015

April 2015

The following two letters were sent to the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition to urge the Government to support ambitious global emission reduction targets at the coming 21st meeting in Paris later this year of the Conference of the Parties (COP 21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

QLD Government funding for Adani Coal Projects

December 2014

The Sustainable Engineering Society (SENG), is extremely disappointed at the Queensland Government’s decision to spend tax payers’ funds supporting a proposed commercial coal operation in Queensland and have written a letter to The Hon Campbell Newman MP, Premier of QLD expressing this dissappointment.

Clean Energy Legislation (Carbon Tax Repeal) Bill

June 2014

SENG and EA callled on Senators to vote against the clean energy repeal bills.  View the letter which was sent to the following people:

Jacqui Lambie
David Leyonhjelm
Glenn Lazarus
Ricky Muir
Zhenya Wang
Simon Birmingham
Christine Milne
Ian MacDonald
Penny Wong
Nick Xenophon

Members of Parliment:
Adam Bandt
Mark Butler
Clive Palmer
Malcolm Turnbull
Christopher Pyne
Andrew Wilkie

Renewable Energy Target Review

May 2014

"Policymakers need to look beyond short-term economic considerations in the interests of some of the big companies to longer-term community interests. And that's what governments are supposed to do, but unfortunately it's not happening at the present time."

Bernie Fraser, Chair, Climate Change Authority, 27 April 2014

Engineers Australia supports the sentiments of Mr Fraser and has made a submission on the Australian Government's review of the Renewable Energy Target.

QLD Mining Lease Notification

March 2014


The Sustainable Engineering Society has lodged a submission on the QLD Mining lease notification and objection initiative discussion paper.  The SENG submission raises a number of concerns, primarily the distortion of stakeholder consideration during the notification and objection process and subsequent assessment.

The QLD Government responded on 21 August 2014.

Emissions Reduction Fund Green Paper Submission

February 2014


The Sustainable Engineering Society has contributed to the Engineers Australia submission on the Emissions Reduction Fund Green Paper which has recently been loged.

Energy White Paper Submission by SENG

February 2014


The Sustainable Engineering Society has loged a submission on the Energy White Paper 2014.  We also contributed to the Engineers Australia submission.

Environmental Defenders Office Funding Cut

January 2014


The Sustainable Engineering Society understands that the Federal Government has cut all funding to Australia’s network of Environmental Defender’s Offices (EDOs).  In response SENG has written a letter to the Minister for Environment The Sustainable Engineering Society requests that the funding decision be reviewed, as the EDOs around Australia are vital in providing legal support to the community to properly review and comment on the
environmental impact of projects, in the public interest.  

Clean Energy Future Repeals Bill

November 2013


Engineers Australia and SENG believe that addressing the costs of atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions through a price on carbon will increase our competitive advantage by minimising risks and creating new economic opportunities. On this basis, Engineers Australia does not support repeal of the Clean Energy Future legislation, as currently proposed by the Australian Government.

Download the full submission

Safeguarding the environment under the EPBC Act

September 2013 


Engineers Australia supports ambitious targets for reducing Australia’s emissions. Reductions of the order of 25 percent (on 2000 levels) in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, and 80 percent by 2050, would be an appropriate contribution to a global effort to contain greenhouse gas emissions to 450 ppm CO2-e (or less) in order to limit global average temperature rise to 2°C. Engineers Australia strongly endorses the Australian Renewable Energy Agency’s (ARENA) remit to improve the competitiveness and increase the supply of renewable energy in Australia, strengthen energy security, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Engineers Australia considers investment in the Regional Australia’s Renewables (RAR) program to displace fossil fuel-based generation with renewable energy is essential to communities requiring energy for agriculture, water treatment, food processing, refrigeration and communications as the effects of climate change are felt across inland and coastal Australia.

Download the full submission or add your name to the petition.

Submission to Australian Renewable Energy Agency - Draft General Funding Strategy on behalf of Engineer Australia

January 2013 

Submission Overview

Engineers Australia supports ambitious targets for reducing Australia’s emissions. Reductions of the order of 25 percent (on 2000 levels) in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, and 80 percent by 2050, would be an appropriate contribution to a global effort to contain greenhouse gas emissions to 450 ppm CO2-e (or less) in order to limit global average temperature rise to 2°C.

Engineers Australia strongly endorses the Australian Renewable Energy Agency’s (ARENA) remit to improve the competitiveness and increase the supply of renewable energy in Australia, strengthen energy security, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Engineers Australia considers investment in the Regional Australia’s Renewables (RAR) program to displace fossil fuel-based generation with renewable energy is essential to communities requiring energy for agriculture, water treatment, food processing, refrigeration and communications as the effects of climate change are felt across inland and coastal Australia..

Download the full submission

Engineers Australia's National Committee on Fuels and Energy Issues Paper on Australia's Energy Options and Strategies

SENG's Code Red team recently provide feedback to the Issues Paper on Australia's Energy Options and Strategies  prepared by the National Committee on Fuels and Energy.  SENG commends the National Committee on Fuels and Energy for initiating a discussion on how engineers can contribute to the essential transition to a low emission economy, and recommends Scenario 3 (the electric economy) as the basis for this transition.

View SENG's response and the National Committee's Issues Paper.

SENG (Vic) submission to Climate Change Authority's Caps and Targets Review 

SENG Victoria committee member, Ray Pritchard, drafted a submission on behalf of the chapter, to the Climate Change Authority's Caps and Targets review. It is proposed that the thrust of the submission be summarised in a media statement for release by the Society. 

View SENG Vic submission