SENG Strategic Plan

Mon, 2011-11-14 23:20 -- adminssee

The Society has developed a Strategic Plan which is aligned with the Engineers Australia Strategic Plan for 2014-2017 (EA website):

  • Community Engagement
  • Body of Knowledge and Professional Development
  • Leadership and Influence
  • Recognition, Promotion and Membership

Why a Strategic Plan?

A strategic plan helps us, the Society, to govern and direct our activities in an effective manner to best serve the needs of you the members. As such it is a dynamic document. Not only is it intended to ensure we have alignment with the national strategic plan of our professional body (Engineers Australia), it also provides a common reference point to assist each state chapter with the annual development, communication and delivery of their own programs and CPD for local members.

The strategic plan shapes the 'on the ground' Operational Plan for the year ahead. By having a shared and common focus at the state level and aggregated at the national level, we can speak with One Voice and be seen and heard in a way that might not otherwise be possible. SENG has the opportunity to step up and be seen in a powerful way within the profession, and we are best able to do this if members, other societies and colleges and the Engineers Australia organisation are able to clearly see and understand:

  • What we stand for,
  • What our goals and objectives are,
  • How we measure success, and
  • The mechanism for adjusting to emerging needs of the profession and broader community.

How can you help?

Please download the SENG Strategic Plan document here.  We invite you to review the domains (all or even one in particular that is of particular interest to you) and as appropriate provide comments and feedback to your national SENG Board by responding to   We will then be able to take on board your feedback and thereby ensure they meet our collective needs and aspirations at a time when the Society is looking increasingly to engineers to show leadership and provide solutions to many of the sustainability related challenges and opportunities that confront us. This will also support your local chapter to host programs and seminars aligned with these domains. Thank you

Approved by SENG board