Around The Web

US research identifies new resin material to make wind turbine recycling easier

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2020-11-25 10:40

US National Renewable Energy Laboratory researchers demonstrate new resin material for construction of wind turbine blades that can be easily recycled.

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Why Bhutan's Sakteng wildlife sanctuary is disputed by China

BBC - Wed, 2020-11-25 10:37
Tiny Bhutan is feeling the squeeze as its giant neighbours China and India vie for territory.
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Graph of the day: Narrabri gas field will wipe out most renewable emissions cuts

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2020-11-25 10:17

The NSW renewable energy plans could massively reduce emissions, but a federally-approved gas mine could cancel out at least half of that.

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German wind report shows “repowering” wind turbines could double output by 2030

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2020-11-25 09:34

Upgrades to old German turbines could see a massive expansion of output without building in a single new spot

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Harrabin: Now will the Treasury go green?

BBC - Wed, 2020-11-25 08:43
As Boris Johnson is driving UK emissions down, is his chancellor preparing to drive them back up?
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CP Daily: Tuesday November 24, 2020

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2020-11-25 08:30
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
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Victoria’s EV hit means a sub $20,000 Nissan Leaf pays more tax than a Lexus

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2020-11-25 08:19

Victoria's new electric vehicle tax means the cost of running a second-hand Nissan Leaf is less than a luxury hybrid. This is not a tax on millionaires, it's an assault on good sense.

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WCI Q4 current vintage auction sells out at steep discount to secondary market

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2020-11-25 07:44
Last week’s WCI current vintage auction sold out for the first time since February, but the settlement was beneath traders’ expectations as compliance entities purchased fewer allowances than the prior sale, according to results released Tuesday afternoon.
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Climate Change Policy Officer, Department of Environment, Victoria State Government – Melbourne

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2020-11-25 07:41
The successful applicant will work in a multi-disciplinary team to deliver analysis of Victoria's greenhouse gas emissions; provide robust and effective policy advice; and prepare papers, reports, briefings and correspondence. In particular, the role will include the development of an annual greenhouse gas emissions report for Victoria, based on data from the national greenhouse gas inventory.
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Principal Manager, Air & Climate Policy, Southern California Edison – Rosemead, California

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2020-11-25 07:40
In this job, you’ll develop air quality and climate change policy positions with a particular focus on transportation and building electrification. You will also lead cross-functional Southern California Edison (SCE) project teams on air and climate regulatory policy, as well as partner engagement and direct leadership of a regulatory team.
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Rising CO2 price could accomplish half of Canada’s 2050 net zero goal -report

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2020-11-25 07:23
Canada could reach its 2030 and 2050 emissions reduction goals by increasing its carbon price over the next two decades, with the country achieving more abatement if it phases out its output-based pricing system, a report said Tuesday.
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Joe Biden announces John Kerry as pick to be first ever US climate envoy – video

The Guardian - Wed, 2020-11-25 06:53

President-elect Joe Biden seeks to blunt criticism from leftwingers as he formally introduces his first round of cabinet nominations, by emphasising the fight against the climate crisis.

Biden says that in John Kerry, a former secretary of state and presidential nominee, America will have a full-time climate leader for the first time, someone with 'a seat at every table around the world'

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China tipped to double solar installs to 85GW a year, pushing costs down by half

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2020-11-25 05:23

solar chinaChina is tipped to double solar installs to 85GW a year under its new five year plan, pushing costs down by half.

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EU confirms strong warming effects of aviation beyond CO2, urges caution

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2020-11-25 05:06
The non-CO2 climate impacts from aviation are at least as important as those of CO2 alone, according to fresh analysis published by the European Commission on Tuesday, which has angered campaigners by recommending waiting years to take any action.
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ANALYSIS: Analysts reinforce bullish EU carbon price outlooks on auction delay

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2020-11-25 05:05
Analysts have reinforced their bullish outlooks for EU carbon prices in the coming months following news last week that the start of next year’s allowance auctions would be delayed.
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Police investigate I'm a Celebrity over fears non-native bugs may be escaping

The Guardian - Wed, 2020-11-25 05:00

Rogue creatures from bushtucker trials including ‘ultimate survivor’ cockroaches could threaten Welsh countryside

Police are investigating I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here! over concerns non-native wildlife could have escaped into the Welsh countryside during bushtucker trials, the Guardian can reveal.

Rural crime officers from north Wales police are looking into complaints that non-native creatures such as cockroaches, maggots, spiders and worms could threaten wildlife in the 100-hectare (250-acre) estate surrounding Gwrych Castle in north Wales, where the show is being held this year.

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One of Australia's most famous beaches is disappearing, and storms aren't to blame. So what's the problem?

The Conversation - Wed, 2020-11-25 04:59
Over the past six months, tourists and locals have been shocked to see Byron's famous Main Beach literally disappearing. Satellite imagery and local knowledge has revealed what's going on. Thomas Murray, Research Fellow (Coastal Management), Griffith University Ana Paula da Silva, PhD Candidate, Griffith University Darrell Strauss, Senior Research Fellow, Griffith University Guilherme Vieira da Silva, Research Fellow, Griffith University Rodger Tomlinson, Director - Griffith Centre for Coastal Management, Griffith University Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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The Guardian view on a global farm grab: from the many to the few | Editorial

The Guardian - Wed, 2020-11-25 04:43

A new study reveals the disastrous consequences of financialised farming on the environment

In a collection of agrarian essays entitled The Art of the Commonplace, the American farmer, essayist and poet Wendell Berry wrote that “the care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.”

From his farm in Kentucky, Mr Berry has spent decades railing against the expansion, homogenisation and industrialisation of American farms. Rapacious economic imperatives, he argues, are leading to the gradual but inexorable destruction of the land. The ethos of stewardship has been replaced by a remote form of ownership that views fields, rivers and forests solely through the lens of extraction. Local smallholders who, as he puts it, inhabited the land “on its terms, not ours”, have either been forced out or co-opted.

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EU Market: EUAs break through technical resistance as markets react to Biden transition

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2020-11-25 04:18
EU carbon allowances rose for the third straight session on Tuesday as bullish sentiment about a smooth transition of presidential power in the US lifted wider markets, with an upcoming supply drought also helping EUAs bust through a technical ceiling to notch their highest close in two months.
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Elon Musk becomes world's second richest person

BBC - Wed, 2020-11-25 03:53
The tech billionaire overtakes Bill Gates after Tesla shares soar on S&P acceptance
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