Around The Web

AIA sponsorship is stain on Spurs shirts, say Kick Out Coal campaigners

The Guardian - Wed, 2020-11-25 03:43

Hong Kong-based insurance company holds stake of at least $3bn in coal projects

Tottenham Hotspur may be top of the Premier League for a change, but the climate credentials of its shirt sponsor AIA are among the lowest of any club in the country, according to a new report by fossil fuel divestment activists.

The logo of AIA has been emblazoned across the chests of Harry Kane, Hugo Lloris and teammates since 2013. But campaigners say it risks becoming a source of shame for the club, because the Hong Kong-based insurance company holds a stake of at least $3bn in coal projects.

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TCI could finish carbon market framework by mid-December, as new polling shows opposition

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2020-11-25 03:42
The TCI consortium is expected to release a final Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by mid-December that would allow participating US jurisdictions to advance the proposed transport cap-and-trade programme next year, while new polling shows public opposition to the scheme.
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RFS Market: RIN prices slide in holiday-shortened week

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2020-11-25 03:36
US biofuel credit (RIN) values fell towards a three-week low on Tuesday, while biofuel and agriculture groups called on a federal court to force the EPA to address an improper waiver given out under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) several years ago. 
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Eurotunnel dog travel clampdown sparks concerns from rescue charities

The Guardian - Wed, 2020-11-25 00:50

Organisations say dogs due to be rehomed could suffer after decision to cut number of animals allowed per vehicle

Dog rescue organisations are appealing for Eurotunnel to clarify new rules clamping down on the rising numbers of animals being brought into the UK.

Rescue organisations said dogs due to be rehomed could suffer as a result of the decision to cut the number of animals allowed to travel in each vehicle from 20 to five, drastically increasing the costs for rescue operations.

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Utility Enel to cut CO2 by nearly a third over next 3 years, plans earlier coal phaseout

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2020-11-24 23:37
Italy-based utility Enel unveiled plans on Tuesday to cut its emissions by 30% over the next three years and to bring forward its coal phaseout date by three years to 2027.
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Australia Market Roundup: Victoria announces carbon sequestration cash, ERF delivery holds steady

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2020-11-24 22:28
The Victoria state government on Tuesday announced A$92 million ($68 mln) over 16 years for a land-based carbon sequestration programme, while new Clean Energy Regulator data shows developers continue to sell well over a million offsets per month to the federal government.
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Denmark excludes increased carbon levy in ‘green’ taxation reform

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2020-11-24 21:25
The Danish government has backed down on moves to increase its carbon tax, with the measure excluded from reform proposals presented late Monday following months of debate among ministers.
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Revealed: Trump officials rush to mine desert haven native tribes consider holy

The Guardian - Tue, 2020-11-24 19:23

Administration seeks to transfer ownership of Arizona area to mining company with ties to the destruction of an Aboriginal site

Since January, San Carlos Apache tribal member Wendsler Nosie Sr has been sleeping in a teepee at a campground in south-eastern Arizona’s Oak Flat, a sprawling high desert oasis filled with groves of ancient oaks and towering rock spires.

It is a protest in defense of “holy ground” where the Apache have prayed and performed ceremonies for centuries.

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1% of farms operate 70% of world's farmland

The Guardian - Tue, 2020-11-24 18:00

Researchers warn land inequality is rising with farmland increasingly dominated by a few major companies

One per cent of the world’s farms operate 70% of crop fields, ranches and orchards, according to a report that highlights the impact of land inequality on the climate and nature crises.

Since the 1980s, researchers found control over the land has become far more concentrated both directly through ownership and indirectly through contract farming, which results in more destructive monocultures and fewer carefully tended smallholdings.

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Charles Darwin: Notebooks worth millions lost for 20 years

BBC - Tue, 2020-11-24 15:55
Cambridge University Library launches an appeal to find the scientist's missing notes and sketches.
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“Let’s not kill EVs”: Main car lobby slams Victoria’s electric vehicle tax

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2020-11-24 14:31

nissan leafNews that Victoria will join SA in introducing electric vehicle tax is met with strong opposition with industry stakeholders saying it is "backwards" and "will kill off" the fledgling EV industry.

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Victoria budgets $540m to develop six new Renewable Energy Zones

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2020-11-24 14:23

Victoria sets aside $540m in 2020/21 state budget to develop renewable energy hubs across the state in "unprecedented" public spend on greening the grid.

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SMA signs agreement with Sterling and Wilson for the second largest solar farm in Queensland

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2020-11-24 14:18

SMA has closed a contract with Sterling and Wilson for the 162MW Columboola Solar Farm, the second largest solar farm in Queensland, Australia.

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“We will pay a heavy price for this”, Turnbull savages Morrison and Taylor over climate

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2020-11-24 13:25

malcolm turnbull national smart energy summit 2 - optimisedFormer PM Malcolm Turnbull eviscerates Scott Morrison and Angus Taylor's stance on climate, saying Morrison over-channelled Trump.

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Vestas wind turbine topples in Sweden at unfinished project

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2020-11-24 13:23

fallen turbine swedenA 230m tall Vestas wind turbine tower has collapsed in northern Sweden, in latest of series of accidents and malfunctions involving the Danish giant's hardware.

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CWP and Partners target more than 2GW of wind, solar and storage after merger

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2020-11-24 12:36

sapphire wind farm in New England (supplied) new england - optimisedCWP Renewables and the Swiss-based money manager Partners Group to merge the bulk of their Australian assets and will target more than two gigawatts of new wind, solar and storage.

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Coal and gas lobbies take aim at NSW renewable energy plan

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2020-11-24 11:53

Australia's coal and gas lobby has come out all guns blazing against the New South Wales government's renewable energy transition plan.

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Empathy in conservation is hotly debated. Still, the world needs more stories like My Octopus Teacher

The Conversation - Tue, 2020-11-24 11:38
Some scientists say attributing 'human-like' qualities to animals is misleading. Others say it's a great tool for conservation. Either way, the Netflix hit My Octopus Teacher has a positive message. Kathryn Williams, Professor in environmental psychology, School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences, University of Melbourne Christopher McCormack, Managing Director (Remember The Wild). PhD Student, University of Melbourne Debbie Gonzalez Canada, PhD Candidate researching digital citizen science, University of Melbourne Kate Lee, Research fellow, University of Melbourne Maddy Sbeghen, University of Melbourne Rose Macaulay, PhD Candidate, University of Melbourne Stephanie Lavau, Senior Lecturer - Interdisciplinary Environmental Practice, University of Melbourne Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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Renewables were sole source of new US generating capacity in last quarter

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2020-11-24 11:36

usa wind power turbine costs - optimisedRenewable energy sources were the sole source of new capacity added to the US grid between June and September.

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Investors head offshore as lack of zero emissions target delays Australian transition

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2020-11-24 11:19

survey Aerial view over Melbourne CBD businesses - optimisedInvestors say the Morrison government's refusal to adopt a zero emissions target is holding back investment and the transition away from fossil fuels.

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