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English councils issue only 19 fines for wood smoke despite 18,000 complaints

The Guardian - Thu, 2021-10-14 21:08

Mums for Lungs writes to health secretary calling for toxic wood-burning stoves to be banned by 2027

Only seven councils in England have issued fines for toxic wood smoke, a total of 19 penalties in the past six years, despite more than 18,000 complaints.

The campaign group Mums for Lungs, which gathered the data, has written to the health secretary calling for wood stoves to be phased out by 2027 because of the deceptively high levels of air pollution they emit.

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Nuclear fusion: Five sites shortlisted for UK energy plant

BBC - Thu, 2021-10-14 21:00
A final decision for the location of the UK's prototype fusion energy plant is due in 2022.
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Big tobacco got caught in a lie by Congress. Now it’s the oil industry’s turn | Mark Hertsgaard

The Guardian - Thu, 2021-10-14 20:00

The CEOs of Exxon, BP, Shell and Chevron face a Capitol Hill hearing on their climate crisis lies – will it mirror the downfall of big tobacco?

Two weeks from today, Darren Woods will face a potential doomsday moment before the US Congress.

As the CEO of ExxonMobil, Woods was paid $15.6m last year to run the richest, most powerful private oil company in history. But his earnings and influence will be on the line when he appears before the House Committee on Oversight and Reform on 28 October. His testimony could mark the beginning of the end of big oil escaping legal and financial responsibility for the climate crisis.

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Canadian energy giant advances 2,600MWh pumped hydro project near Bathurst

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-10-14 19:22

Canadian energy giant ATCO says it is making progress with a 2,600MWh pumped hydro project near Bathurst, which it hopes to gain a spot in the first renewable energy zone in NSW to go to tender. The Central West Pumped Hydro (CWPH) project will have a capacity of 325MW, and eight hours storage, or a […]

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BRIEFING: Indonesia’s hybrid carbon trade and tax scheme explained

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2021-10-14 18:56
Coal producing Indonesia intends to introduce a carbon tax for the power sector next year, though that will work in tandem with an intensity-based emissions trading scheme.
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Prince William: great minds should focus on saving Earth not space travel – video

The Guardian - Thu, 2021-10-14 18:27

The Duke of Cambridge has criticised the space race and space tourism, saying the world’s greatest minds need to focus on fixing the Earth instead. In an interview with Newscast on BBC Sounds before his Earthshot prize awards, Prince William also warned about a rise in ‘climate anxiety’ among younger generations. His comments come the day after William Shatner, 90, made history by becoming the oldest person in space

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Colorado steel mill to become first to run almost entirely on solar power

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-10-14 18:21

New Bighorn solar farm in Colorado will enable the neighbouring steel plant to become the first in the world to be largely powered by solar.

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Forget net zero – let’s have a ‘fossil freedom day’ | Mark Lynas

The Guardian - Thu, 2021-10-14 18:00

Imagine if we knew that sometime in 2047 we would definitively move on from the industrial revolution

The important thing about any agenda isn’t so much what’s on it, but what is missing. And so it is with the 21st UN climate change conference (Cop26), in Glasgow. There are some crucial issues up for discussion and negotiation: the $100bn finance promise, the 1.5C target and how to raise global mitigation ambition to meet it. But I have a proposal for something that is still firmly off the agenda, even though it would arguably do more than anything else to address the climate emergency.

The problem with Cops – and I’ve been to a few – is that activity tends to substitute for action. The atmosphere is frenetic: people rush to and fro, from meeting to meeting, negotiation to negotiation, clutching bundles of paper, phones, laptops, and (if they are lucky) a hastily grabbed, limp sandwich. Some negotiators trundle everywhere with wheeled suitcases, stuffed with printed materials from every previous Cop – so they never have to miss an opportunity to refer directly to the Bali declaration or the Berlin mandate.

Mark Lynas is a freelance writer working full-time on climate change

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Taiwan proposes carbon tax, eyes 2023 roll-out

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2021-10-14 16:33
Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has proposed a low carbon tax for big emitters to be implemented in 2023 in a bid to counter the EU’s carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) and help drive domestic emissions towards net zero by 2050.
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Guatemala signs $52.5-mln carbon forestry deal with World Bank’s FCPF

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2021-10-14 15:43
Guatemala has signed an agreement with the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) that will see the central American state receive up to $52.5 million for reducing emissions from forestry and land use, the World Bank announced this week.
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Prince William: Saving Earth should come before space tourism

BBC - Thu, 2021-10-14 14:05
The prince says great minds should focus "on trying to repair this planet" not exploring space.
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Ahead of COP26, Australia ranked among worst in G20 on climate action

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-10-14 14:00

Prime minister Scott Morrison at the 2019 G20 talks held in Osaka, Japan. (AAP Image/Lukas Coch)Australia again ranked amongst the worst for climate action, lagging behind on renewables uptake, EV adoption and fossil fuel phase-out.

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Climate change: Carbon emissions from rich countries rose rapidly in 2021

BBC - Thu, 2021-10-14 14:00
Emissions from the richest countries are going up again this year as the global economy rebounds.
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What is COP26 and why does the fate of Earth, and Australia's prosperity, depend on it?

The Conversation - Thu, 2021-10-14 12:58
The United Nations climate summit in Glasgow next month is the first real test of whether the world can limit global warming below catastrophic levels. Wesley Morgan, Researcher, Climate Council, and Research Fellow, Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
Categories: Around The Web

Snoring partners more likely to disturb sleep than wind farms, study finds

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-10-14 12:44

A new Australian sleep study finds residents living near a wind farm much more likely to blame road traffic, or snoring partners, for disturbed sleep.

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Webinar: Net Zero – What are we waiting for?

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-10-14 11:35

Energy Transformed Net ZeroJoin a panel of leading experts and businesses that are taking action now to find out what we need to do in this second webinar of the Energy Transformed series.

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Australia slips another place in renewables ranking, despite efforts of states

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-10-14 11:34

 Goldwind).Australia slips another rank in EY renewable attractive index, but maintains top 10 position thanks to states and big corporates.

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Australia releases first draft blue carbon offset method

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2021-10-14 11:21
Australia has published a proposal to award carbon credits to projects that introduce tidal flows to previously completely or partially drained coastal wetland ecosystems.
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Australia needs up to 74 pct emissions cut by 2030 to stay on track for 1.5°C

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-10-14 11:14

Scott Morrison in New York. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas)State and Territory emissions targets offer the Morrison government a free-kick to lift its 2030 target. Will it take it?

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CP Daily: Wednesday October 13, 2021

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2021-10-14 10:55
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
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