Researchers say endangered killer whale who lives off the coast of Seattle is back to feeding and frolicking with her pod
Researchers say an endangered killer whale thatcarried her dead calf on her head for more than two weeks has finally abandoned the calf’s body and is back to feeding and frolicking with her pod.
The Center for Whale Research in Washington state says it watched the orca, known as J35, chase a school of salmon in Haro Strait west of San Juan Island, between the US mainland and Vancouver Island, on Saturday afternoon.
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SENG QLD Newsletter - August 2018
Welcome to Newsletter Number 73
Dear SENG Qld members and friends,
The fantastic War on Waste event was recently held in Hawken Auditorium. Four outstanding presenters delivered authoritative insights regarding the waste cycle and exciting new developments for managing it. The Sustainable Engineering Society Qld Branch wish to thank our presenters and attendees for creating an inspiring, informative and enjoyable evening. It is exciting to gather, apply our skills and systematically tackle urgent issues such as waste. It is the only way big challenges have been successfully met in the past. This month's newsletter includes:
War on Waste - closing the cycle
Other Events
Interesting Snippets
Open for comment
David's Blog
As always, we welcome input from members regarding topics or speakers of interest. Please contact one of the Qld committee members, or consider coming along to a committee meeting, held at Engineering House prior to each of our technical seminars. We hope to see you there!
Sustainable Engineering Society
Qld Branch Engineers Australia.
WAR ON WASTE - Closing the Cycle, A Zero Waste Economy
This fantastic event was held in Hawken Auditorium, early evening Tuesday July 3. Four outstanding presenters each delivered insightful aspects of the waste cycle and exciting new options for managing it.
- Richard Denniss, chief economist at the Australia Institute, delivered an entertaining discussion on how to reduce waste by distinguishing between consumerism, the love of buying things and materialism, the love of things, and the benefits from making the distinction.
- Kali Martin discussed the waste streams currently processed by NuGrow and how they are recycled into beneficial products such as compost and soil conditioners. Case studies will be presented demonstrating NuGrow’s innovative approach to closing the loop between waste and resources to achieve their vision of healthier environments supporting healthier communities.
- Georgina Davis (Doctor of Engineering, Chartered Waste Manager and Chartered Environmentalist) discussed the facts behind the new waste levy in Queensland and what a new waste strategy should contain and look like. He also discussed the current state of the recycling industry after China’s ban on receiving recyclable waste, and what is needed to secure a sustainable future recycling industry.
- Dr Gareth Forde , principal engineer at All Energy Pty Ltd, presented about generating energy from waste organics and how anaerobic digestion compares to other waste to energy (W2E) options. The implications of the proposed landfill levy were also considered. :: A recording of these presentations is available here !! :: The presenter's slides have been made available here !! Once again, the SENG Qld Branch wish to thank the presenters for their generous and inspiring contribution to sustainable engineering practice.
Other Events
Industrial Environmental Compliance Workshop
16 August 2018, 6pm - 7pm CQU Gladstone, Marina Lecture Theatre The workshop will discuss the function, structure, legislation and administration of Qld Government’s Department of Environment and Science. This includes departmental initiatives, current CQ compliance trends and systems for accessing regulatory and enforcement guidelines. Register here. Carbon Fibre from Coal 15 August 2018, 5:30pm - 7pm Engineers Australia Newcastle Suite 3 Tonella Commercial Centre Dr Stanger from University of Newcastle discusses research of key technology aspects for making carbon fibres from coal as a much cheaper alternative. Find out more and register here.
Interesting Snippets
For your interest, horror and amusement. SENG makes no claims regarding the accuracy or currency of these items, but always refer to authoritative sources. Qld Paying Refunds for Containers From November 1st 2018, participating container refund points will pay 10 cents per eligible 150 mL to 3 L container. Find more details about the scheme here. The War on Waste Click here to access the ABC’s War on Waste podcasts, sign up to the email newsletter (for great waste-saving tips), and do what’s Good for your ‘Hood by downloading the Action Toolkit to fight the war on waste in your ‘hood. Thanks Auntie!
Engineers Australia Report on the National Energy Plan Read here about the Finkel Report’s major shortcomings, as identified by the Chair of Engineers Australia’s Electrical College. Read about the Engineers Australia's recently released submission for the Australian Government's final draft of the NEG Detailed Design Consultancy Paper here.
Linc Energy directors face criminal charges Five directors of the now-liquidated Linc Energy have been criminally charged and face up to 5 years jail for actions that may be summarised as ecological vandalism undertaken for commercial reasons. Read more about the prosecution’s outcomes regarding Linc’s failure to acknowledge the damage and attempts to hide it from the regulator, here.
Weak Australian climate policy losing billions in health benefits Professor Capon of the University of Sydney explains how the implementation of less-polluting modes of transport and energy sources would significantly reduce the associated health costs, benefitting Australia's budget bottom line. Find out more here.
Green economy reaches 6% of global listed equity market The chief executive of FTSE Russell has declared the green economy now holds a share of the global equity market that is equivalent to the oil and gas economy, as they increase and decrease, respectively. Find more authoritative details regarding the world’s transition to sustainable industries here.
California is Exceeding its Emissions Targets Greenhouse gas pollution levels have been reduced to 1990 levels ahead of its 2020 deadline and its Carbon Intensity is down 38% from 2001 levels. Read more details here. Scotland Breaking Renewables Records According to WWF Scotland, energy harvested from wind turbines over 6 months in 2017 produced enough electricity to fulfil the entire nation’s power demands for six days. Find more encouraging statistics about Scotland’s successful transition process here. Two huge solar farms for NSW German renewable energy giant Innogy will soon begin construction of two solar farms in NSW expected to contribute 460MW to the power grid. Find out more here.
Awards and Open for Comment
Annual Qld Environmental Engineering Student Awards Night - October 2018
SENG and WMAA have been hosting the annual Environmental Student Award in Queensland since 1999. The event allows Environmental Engineering and Science undergraduate students from Queensland universities to showcase their thesis work to an audience of industry professionals and fellow students. This night also allows a demonstration of the directions in current environmental research and to show the diversity and quality of content in thesis studies from all over Queensland. Find out more about this fantastic honorary event here.
Petition to enact legistlation to ban new investments in coal - Sign the petition here for the Queensland Government to enact legislation banning all new investment in coal, oil, and gas projects within Queensland, that contribute to global warming.
Moment for Action
Sign the petition
David's Blog
Keep up to date by reading David's Blog on the SENG website. Log in using your to post comments or questions.
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