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BRIEFING: EU climate advisors back integration of carbon removals into ETS
Integrating permanent removals into the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) would allow projects to generate credits and pave the way for net-negative emissions after 2050, provided strict conditions are met, the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change (EASBCC) said on Friday.
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California utilities regulator publishes recommendations for lowering power costs via WCI funds
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) published Tuesday suggestions for lowering power costs by adjusting the distribution of credits funded through the state’s ETS to certain residents and businesses.
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US senators reintroduce legislation to expand financing tool to clean energy projects
A pair of bipartisan US senators reintroduced legislation Thursday that would make clean energy projects eligible for a financing option currently only available to traditional energy projects.
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INTERVIEW: Brazilian airline’s new carbon marketplace forges partnership with suppliers
One of Brazil’s largest airlines has initiated a pilot platform to help corporate clients source carbon credits, positioning it to grow a carbon trading business and prepare for compliance under the UN’s CORSIA aviation offsetting scheme, its sustainability head told Carbon Pulse.
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Free UK carbon permit allocations drop 14% in 2025
The UK government has published an updated list of free carbon permit handouts by installation covered by the country's ETS for the period 2021-25, with allocations for the current year now 14% lower than the 2024 total.
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BRIEFING: New Hampshire lawmakers pursue tax revenues from trees generating carbon credits
Several Republican New Hampshire state lawmakers have proposed to tax trees used to generate voluntary carbon credits, following a law passed last year that mandated a study of lost tax revenues due to forest carbon offset programmes.
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INTERVIEW: VCMI changes tack after slow start to claims code approach
The Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative (VCMI) will pivot in the second half of the year to a new direction that will target the millions of companies that have not yet made much progress on their mitigation journey, its executive director told Carbon Pulse.
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BBC Inside Science
An asteroid is heading in our direction. Will it hit us in 2032?
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BBC Inside Science
An asteroid is heading in our direction. Will it hit us in 2032?
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Carbon removal standard to revise ERW crediting methodology
A carbon removal crediting body plans to revise its enhanced rock weathering (ERW) methodology, it said Thursday.
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Big EU companies favour shareholder payouts over green transition -report
Major European companies in key energy transition sectors are funnelling the bulk of their profits into shareholder payouts, instead of investing in making their businesses fit for the low-carbon transition, according to a report on Thursday.
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Turkiye’s government submits climate bill establishing ETS to parliament
Turkiye's ruling party has submitted a long-awaited climate change-related bill that foresees the creation of a carbon market board and an emissions trading system to the Parliament on Thursday.
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ANALYSIS: New UN carbon crediting mechanism under scrutiny in wake of first CDM transition approval
The integrity of the new Paris Agreement Crediting Mechanism has already come into focus after the first programme of activities (PoA) was approved at a recent UNFCCC meeting.
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EU on track to cut emissions 49% by 2030, EEA says
Faster progress is needed to reach the EU’s 2030 target of cutting emissions 55% below 1990 levels, the European Commission said on Thursday after the publication of a new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA).
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French compliance biodiversity project sells €17.5 mln worth of credits
A French company has sold all of its 357 compliance credits created over the last 13 years at a value of €17.5 million, while another initiative has revealed two voluntary buyers.
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EU ETS insufficient to cut the cost of green shipping corridors before 2040s -report
A global fuel standard for shipping is not enough to bring down the cost of clean fuel maritime corridors, even when the effects of the EU ETS are added in, according to new research.
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OECD backs whole life-cycle approach to building decarbonisation
Building decarbonisation policies need to consider all stages of construction – from planning to demolition –, the OECD said in a report published on Thursday, highlighting a step-by-step approach to tackling embodied carbon in buildings.
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Spanish asset manager launches EU-backed sustainable agrifood fund
A Madrid-based asset manager has launched a fund to support Spanish small- and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in the agrifood sector in implementing more sustainable practices, including biodiversity protection.
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Cycling to school almost became extinct - until one man revived the bike bus
Sam Balto took the idea from a local school to the White House and beyond, inspiring a global movement in which children feel the benefits of cycling together
“It’s a movement, not a moment.” That’s the mantra from Sam “Coach” Balto, a former school teacher from Portland, Oregon who quit his day job to stoke a revolution called the “bike bus” – groups of kids and families cycling to school together.
How did one person in a mid-sized American city turn a weekly bike ride into something of a phenomenon? He leaned on the power of social media. In the past two years his videos have been viewed by hundreds of millions of people.
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Categories: Around The Web
Draft EU state aid rules for industrial decarbonisation under fire
The European Commission’s leaked state aid measures in support of its upcoming Clean Industrial Deal initiative, due next week, will fail to deliver for Europe’s domestic cleantech sector, an environmental group has warned.
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