Feed aggregator
Locations and hosting organisations for Local Engagement Officers identified
Outcomes of Commonwealth environmental watering
Notice WTR2013/2 Non-commercial cross-border movements of musical instruments
Notice WTR2013/4 andWTR 2013/5 Exports of native non-CITES coral specimens and CITES-listed corals
Australian simplified list of CITES species - Updated
Notice WTR2013/1 Wildlife Trade Export Procedures
Notice WTR2013/6 Permits are not transferable
Notice on Increase to Wildlife Trade Fees
ABRS national taxonomy research grant program - 2013-14 grants awarded
2014-15 ABRS Research grants
2014-15 ABRS Capacity-building grants
Framework announced for 'one stop shop' environmental approvals
Emissions Reduction Fund - call for public comment
Commonwealth Northern Prawn Fishery
Country diary: Fishbourne Reedbeds, West Sussex: The water vole's grand designs
At the head of the Fishbourne Channel there is a hinterland of reedbeds and briny watercourses. There is no sea wall here, just a gradual merging of elements as land meets sea. Few plants can survive the daily exposure to salt water that occurs when the tide is in, so the reedbeds are dominated by dense stands of common reed that form an impenetrable two-metre high grey-green wall on either side of the boardwalk.
In the spring, the reedbeds reverberated with a cacophony of bird song and the begging calls of hungry chicks. Now they are eerily quiet, just the whisper of the breeze blowing through the reeds and the distant screech of gulls. Many of the breeding birds have migrated but reed buntings are resident all year round and I eventually catch a glimpse of a male's jet-black head, with its white moustache and collar, as it clings to a tasselled flower spike.
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