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Strategic assessment of Melbourne's urban growth boundary
Free TV and Computer Recycling available nationally
Minimata Convention on Mercury - Australia one of 92 signatory countries
Call for witnesses for damage to protected WWII Japanese midget submarine
'Lost' World War Two shipwreck now protected under Australian law
Japanese 'mother-shipwreck' protected for future generations
Repealing the carbon tax - submissions invited on the exposure drafts of the carbon tax repeal bills
Commonwealth Northern Prawn Fishery
On-Farm Irrigation Efficiency Program - Round four application period now closed
Commonwealth Coral Sea Fishery
Killer whales experience menopause – just like humans
Just like humans, killer whales experience menopause – and the rare evolutionary trait improves their offspring's chances of survival, according to experts.
Killer whales are one of only three species able to continue living long after they have stopped reproducing. This allows mothers to spend the rest of their life looking after their offspring.
Continue reading...Perth and Peel Regions Strategic Assessment
WA Pilbara Fish Trawl Interim Managed Fishery
Perth and Peel regions strategic assessment
Sustainable procurement guide
Sustainable Australia Report 2013
Lower Hunter Regional Sustainability Planning and Strategic Assessment
Lower Hunter Regional Sustainability Planning and Strategic Assessment
Climate change: a survivors' guide
Britain is expected to get more extremes of heat and rainfall, so prepare for more severe floods, longer droughts and more powerful storms. No one knows quite what the effect over time will be of a slowing Gulf stream, or the melting of arctic sea ice, but climate scientists confidently expect temperatures to rise up to 4C by 2100. That could mean big shifts in rainfall patterns and a more unpredictable climate. So clear your drains, fix your roof and move to Wales – or at least to somewhere with good water supply. The worst that could happen? Your grandchildren will inherit inexorably rising temperatures that render much of the Earth uninhabitable. Their problem? Yes, but yours, too.
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