Noxious gas found on planet Uranus
Hydrogen sulphide, the gas associated with the smell of rotten eggs, is detected in the atmosphere of Uranus.
Categories: Around The Web
Environment prize goes to Flint water activist
An activist who helped expose a water crisis in a US town has been awarded a prestigious environment prize.
Categories: Around The Web
'Exploding ant' species found in South East Asia
The newly discovered canopy-dwelling ants are nicknamed after their bizarre defensive behaviour.
Categories: Around The Web
'Welcome to my plastic bottle castle'
Meet "Plastic King" Robert Bezeau and his four-storey castle made out of recycled bottles in Panama.
Categories: Around The Web
Hemsby: Clifftop home destroyed erosion spanning 40 years
Erosion of the cliff at Hemsby, Norfolk, has left 18 homes uninhabitable over the past five years.
Categories: Around The Web
Climate change: Michael Bloomberg offers $4.5m for Paris deal
The former New York Mayor offers $4.5m to cover the lapsed US contribution to the Paris climate deal.
Categories: Around The Web
Nasa engineer: Three facts about landing on Mars
A Nasa flight analyst explains three things you need to know about going to Mars.
Categories: Around The Web
Rare brown bear dies in Italy capture operation
The endangered animal died in Italy during an attempt to fit him with a collar to track movements.
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The best and worst space films, according to Nasa
The best and worst space films, according to Nasa
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Scientists discover protein behind motor neurone disease
An international team found that a protein causes brain cells to die when it is in the jelly phase.
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ExoMars: Getting ready to drive on the Red Planet
Engineers finish assembly of the test model for Europe's ExoMars rover mission.
Categories: Around The Web
Stella McCartney: Fashion is swamping our planet
Designer Stella McCartney says fashion is a medieval industry, which produces a huge amount of waste.
Categories: Around The Web
Oxford Dodo was shot in head, scans find
The world-famous specimen is the world's best-preserved example of the extinct bird.
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Closing gender gap in physics 'will take generations'
The gender gap in science subjects like physics is likely to persist for hundreds of years, study suggests.
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National Trust needs to be 'radical'
The new director-general of the National Trust says the charity needs to reach out to people in urban areas.
Categories: Around The Web
Solar sailing
How can you create public transport in the jungle without polluting it? The isolated Achuar peoples of Ecuador have created an ingenious solution.
Categories: Around The Web
Solar sailing
How can you create public transport in the jungle without polluting it? The isolated Achuar peoples of Ecuador have created an ingenious solution.
Categories: Around The Web
UK weather: Why this isn't a heatwave... yet
People across the UK have been enjoying unusually warm weather, but when can we call it a heatwave?
Categories: Around The Web
'Sea nomads' evolved for free-diving
In an example of human natural selection, Asia's Bajau people have evolved bigger spleens for diving.
Categories: Around The Web
Poison project
Scientist Vladimir Uglev has no doubt the agent that poisoned the Skripals was made in Russia.
Categories: Around The Web