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Updated: 1 hour 49 min ago

Mission to Antarctica's Larsen ice shelves

Tue, 2018-04-10 09:11
An international expedition next year will try to reach the site of a major new iceberg.
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Tasmanian devil cancers targeted by human drugs

Tue, 2018-04-10 02:02
Cambridge University researchers find human cancer drugs could halt the extinction of the marsupial.
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Finger bone points to early human exodus

Tue, 2018-04-10 01:47
A fossil find from Saudi Arabia adds to growing evidence that modern humans left Africa earlier than supposed.
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Belgrade's 'tiny head' Gagarin statue causes dismay

Mon, 2018-04-09 23:36
Serbian social media users mock city's tribute to the first man in space.
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100 years of chemical weapons

Mon, 2018-04-09 22:35
From chlorine to novichok, Hamish de Bretton-Gordon takes us through the history of chemical weapons.
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BBC climate change interview breached broadcasting standards

Mon, 2018-04-09 22:29
The media watchdog says the ex-chancellor was "not sufficiently challenged" during a radio interview.
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Big increase in Antarctic snowfall

Mon, 2018-04-09 18:00
The annual extra now compared with the early 1800s has a water volume twice that of the Dead Sea.
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Hunting mystery giant lightning from space

Sat, 2018-04-07 09:18
A new mission aboard the International Space Station is taking storm chasing to new heights.
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Virgin Galactic spaceship completes test flight

Sat, 2018-04-07 02:31
The supersonic test flight of its SpaceShipTwo rocket ship was the first since a crash in 2014.
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The pest controller of Kandahar

Fri, 2018-04-06 13:33
It's not just spiders, scorpions and snakes for the man in charge of pest control at Kandahar air base.
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Plastic bag litter falls in UK seas

Fri, 2018-04-06 00:17
A study of litter in UK seas shows the number of plastic bags has fallen, amid a rise in other types of plastic rubbish.
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Space muscles study to use tiny worms

Thu, 2018-04-05 20:50
The worms are being used because they have a similar muscle structure to humans.
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Trash Robot cleans up Chicago River's rubbish

Thu, 2018-04-05 09:24
The robot connects to the internet so web users can control it and donate to pay maintenance costs.
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Russians protest over 'toxic' landfill near Moscow

Thu, 2018-04-05 09:01
The Russian capital has no recycling programme and its expanding rubbish landfills are causing health problems.
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Using astronomy to save a species

Thu, 2018-04-05 06:25
Scientists have been developing a technique to count animals that is usually used to map stars.
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Dozen black holes found at galactic centre

Thu, 2018-04-05 04:40
A dozen black holes may lie at the centre of our galaxy, the Milky Way, researchers say.
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Births of endangered Suffolk punch foals celebrated

Thu, 2018-04-05 02:37
Two Suffolk punch horses are being put forward for a charity's breeding programme.
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Great white shark follows police off Australian coast

Thu, 2018-04-05 00:46
They were patrolling off the South Australian coast when they noticed something behind them.
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The whales who love to sing in the dark

Wed, 2018-04-04 10:36
A new study reveals the surprising complexity of bowhead whale song.
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Conservationists use astronomy software to save species

Wed, 2018-04-04 03:17
Researchers use astronomical techniques used to study distant stars to survey endangered species.
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