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BBC News - Science & Environment
Updated: 12 min 44 sec ago

'Stay away' from beached oil rig

Tue, 2016-08-09 19:18
People are warned to stay away from the stricken Transocean Winner oil rig which ran aground during a storm.
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One drug is 'new hope' for three killer infections

Tue, 2016-08-09 11:05
A single drug can treat three deadly and neglected infections - Chagas disease, leishmaniasis and sleeping sickness - animal studies show..
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Decline of fishing in Lake Tanganyika 'due to warming'

Tue, 2016-08-09 05:48
New research blames rising temperatures over the last century as the key cause of decline in one of the world's most important fisheries.
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DNA shows that horse's 'funny walk originated in York'

Tue, 2016-08-09 01:17
The speedy, almost comical horse step known as an ambling gait originated in England in the middle of the Ninth Century, scientists say.
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Rare giant panda cub born at Vienna zoo - mother's fourth

Mon, 2016-08-08 22:29
Another giant panda cub is born at Vienna's Schoenbrunn Zoo - the fourth time that mother Yang Yang has conceived naturally.
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China launches first mobile telecoms satellite from Beijing

Sun, 2016-08-07 17:39
China launched its first mobile telecommunications satellite, to establish a network serving large swathes of the world.
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Disappointment for LHC physicists

Sat, 2016-08-06 01:04
A physicist speaks to BBC2's Horizon programme as a tantalising discovery recedes into the background of data from the Large Hadron Collider.
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New particle hopes fade as LHC data 'bump' disappears

Sat, 2016-08-06 01:01
Results from the Large Hadron Collider show that a "bump" in the machine's data, previously rumoured to represent a new particle, has gone away.
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Badgers may not spread TB to cattle through direct contact

Fri, 2016-08-05 09:11
New research suggests that badgers do not transmit TB to cattle by direct contact.
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Rocks tell story of China's great flood

Fri, 2016-08-05 04:01
Geologists have found evidence for an ancient megaflood which they say could be the mythical flood at the dawn of the first Chinese dynasty.
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Men may have evolved better 'making up' skills

Fri, 2016-08-05 03:18
An analysis of sports events suggests men may be better at reconciliation after conflicts which could give them advantages in the workplace.
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Hidden Degas portrait revealed

Thu, 2016-08-04 23:09
A hidden portrait by the French Impressionist painter Edgar Degas has been revealed using powerful x-rays, scientists report.
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China farewells Jade Rabbit Moon rover

Thu, 2016-08-04 15:25
China's Jade Rabbit says a final goodbye and shuts down forever, after 31 months exploring the Moon, far outliving its predicted lifespan.
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Brain's thirst circuit 'monitors the mouth'

Thu, 2016-08-04 09:11
Scientists observe activity in the mouse brain which can explain why we get thirsty when we eat, and why cool water quenches thirst more quickly.
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Moon Express cleared for lunar landing

Thu, 2016-08-04 04:21
Moon Express becomes the first private firm to win US approval for an unmanned mission to the moon.
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Vibrations bring still photos to life

Thu, 2016-08-04 03:26
Photographs in which still objects can be manipulated are developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
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Vibrations bring still photos to life

Thu, 2016-08-04 03:25
Photographs in which still objects can be manipulated are developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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Why are crying babies so hard to ignore?

Thu, 2016-08-04 03:00
A neuroscientist explains why Donald Trump found a crying baby at his rally so distracting.
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China's elevated bus: Futuristic 'straddling bus' hits the road

Wed, 2016-08-03 19:26
The 2m-high Transit Elevated Bus took its inaugural test run in the streets of Hebei, much to the amazement of Chinese citizens.
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'Science gives us hope in a turbulent world'

Wed, 2016-08-03 15:24
Professor Brian Cox talks to the BBC about how why science can give us hope in a turbulent world.
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