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BBC News - Science & Environment
Updated: 1 hour 39 min ago

X-rays reveal complete dino skeleton

Wed, 2016-07-27 21:37
Scientists have used high-power X-rays to "see inside" an exquisite and complete dinosaur specimen.
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Orangutan 'copies human speech'

Wed, 2016-07-27 19:10
An orangutan copying sounds made by researchers offers new clues to how human speech evolved, scientists say.
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Waste mountain

Wed, 2016-07-27 10:03
Every day hundreds of thousands of Britons put their coffee cup into a recycling bin. They're wrong - those cups aren't recyclable.
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Increasing ocean acidity could impact fish spawning

Wed, 2016-07-27 09:18
A new study suggests that the increasing acidification of the oceans is likely to interfere with the ability of fish to reproduce.
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Peruvian fishermen recsue baby whale from met

Wed, 2016-07-27 07:28
Fishermen in the Plura region of Peru have rescued an exhausted whale calf that had become trapped in a net.
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How have Dolly the Sheep's 'siblings' fared?

Wed, 2016-07-27 06:58
The prospect of using cloning to treat humans has been boosted by new evidence suggests that it can be used safely in animals.
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Royal Society head calls for 'underwriting' of research

Wed, 2016-07-27 02:31
The president of the Royal Society has called for the UK government to underwrite the research of all UK-based researchers who apply for EU funding now.
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Dolly the sheep's siblings 'healthy'

Wed, 2016-07-27 01:06
Dolly the sheep's "siblings" are generally healthy, a study has shown, providing hope that cloning can yield animals free from degenerative illness.
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White humpback Migaloo spotted off Australia's Byron Bay

Tue, 2016-07-26 15:39
A rare white humpback whale has been spotted off Australia's east coast travelling at a leisurely pace not far from the famous holiday town Byron Bay.
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Sri Lanka prime minister: Mangroves curb climate threat

Tue, 2016-07-26 14:09
On World Mangrove Day, Sri Lanka's prime minister says mangroves' ability to swiftly absorb carbon make them vital in the fight to curb climate change.
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Solar Impulse completes historic round-the-world trip

Tue, 2016-07-26 13:26
The first round-the-world solar powered flight has been completed.
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Solar Impulse completes historic round-the-world trip

Tue, 2016-07-26 10:06
The Solar Impulse becomes the first aircraft to circle the globe powered by the sun after landing in Abu Dhabi on the last leg of its journey.
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Dutch men confirmed as world's tallest

Tue, 2016-07-26 09:39
When it comes to height, Dutch men and Latvian women tower over all other nationalities, a new study reveals.
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In pictures

Tue, 2016-07-26 09:11
Photographer Charles Fox documents the work of the Trapang Sangke fishing community in Cambodia.
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New trials for delivering goods by drones

Tue, 2016-07-26 09:02
The UK government's getting together with the retail giant Amazon, to start testing flying drones that can deliver parcels to your door.
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Scans reveal how teenage brain develops

Tue, 2016-07-26 05:00
The areas of the brain involved in complex thought are the ones that change the most during the teenage years, research shows.
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Tigers maul two women at Beijing wildlife park

Sun, 2016-07-24 20:56
Tigers at a wildlife park in Beijing have killed one woman and injured another after the pair left their vehicle, Chinese media reports say.
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Solar Impulse: Zero-fuel plane begins final flight

Sun, 2016-07-24 09:59
The Sun-powered aircraft Solar Impulse sets out from Egypt's capital, Cairo, on the last leg of its quest to circle the globe.
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Rare bog butterfly flutters back from brink

Sat, 2016-07-23 10:37
A small bog in Lancashire is once again home to a rare species of butterfly, for the first time in 100 years.
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Telecopes: A giant leap for Africa

Fri, 2016-07-22 20:50
Currently under construction, the MeerKAT telescope in South Africa is establishing its role in scientific research.
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