Infigen appoints new Independent Director
Mr Len Gill has today been appointed to the Boards of Infigen Energy Limited, Infigen Energy (Bermuda) Limited and Infigen Energy RE Limited (the Infigen Boards).
Categories: Around The Web
Clean Energy Regulator welcomes new Chair
The Clean Energy Regulator welcomes the appointment of Mr David Parker AM as the new Chair of the agency.
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Finkel’s fine line through Australia’s testy power politics
Reports delivered by three major Australian institutions on Friday highlighted that wind and solar provide cheapest avenue to decarbonise the grid. But none of the AEMC, CCA or CSIRO could bring themselves to say so. Finkel's challenge will be to cut through this nonsense.
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Queensland fast-tracks auction for 400MW renewables, energy storage
Queensland govt reasserts commitment to 50% RET, and its independence from federal government, with $1.6bn Powering Queensland Plan.
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Know your NEM: Markets bet on big fall in electricity prices
Energy markets are betting on a big fall in prices as more renewables come on line, but all eyes on Finkel Review this Friday.
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Carbon dioxide set an all-time monthly high in May
It’s official: carbon dioxide set an all-time monthly record. A sobering reminder that humans are pushing the climate into a state unseen in millions of years.
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“Reputation” clause may scupper government loan deal for Adani
Emergence of "reputation clause" in mandate of Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility may be killer blow for Adani loan proposal. Tim Flannery, John Hewson and others say it will be impossible to justify a loan given the climate and environmental impacts.
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CSIRO report doctored to pretend gas cheaper than wind and solar
CSIRO report on low emissions technology outlines pathway to high renewables grid. Inexplicably, cost estimates assume no efficiency and productivity gains, and 50% more demand than high gas scenario, prompting Coalition to say it favours "technology neutral" approach.
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We should be excited about Endeavour Energy’s shift to local networks
Endeavor Energy shift to local network ownership is the most sensible and exciting development we have seen for sometime in Australia’s energy market transition.
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Trump’s argument for quitting Paris deal contains multi-trillion dollar math error
The economic study Trump uses to justify the US leaving the Paris climate accord fails to factor in one massive cost: human-caused climate change.
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$8 billion offshore wind farm proposed for Victorian waters
Melbourne company unveils ambitious plans for 2GW offshore wind farm off Gippsland coast, in what would be an Australian first.
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Australia’s largest solar retailer served with “wind up” notice by tax office
Australia's biggest solar module retailer, Eurosolar, served with wind up notice from ATO. Company says it is a mistake, but future is clouded.
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Queensland eyes new transmission line to unlock cheap renewables
Queensland looking at new transmission line to unlock more than 2,000GW of low cost wind and solar, which energy minister says is clearly cheaper than coal plant.
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Fall in renewable energy certificate futures intrigues market
The big fall in LGC market for 2019 delivery intrigued the market. Maybe there are more wind and solar projects than most think.
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Solar awards open to recognise Australia’s most inventive installers
The Clean Energy Council encourages solar designers and installers to submit their entries for the 2017 Solar Design and Installation Awards.
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Paris climate deal Trumped by anarchists and ideologues
Trump decision to pull US out of Paris climate treaty was sadly inevitable when an ignorant buffoon is guided by self-serving climate deniers, economic nationalists and fossil fuel advocates. But what will Australia do now, given much of its ruling party shares the same view.
Categories: Around The Web
South Australia seeks battery storage proposals from short-list
SA seeks final proposals for battery storage tender from candidates short-listed from the 90+ expressions of interest received last month.
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Launch of Australia’s first biofuels pilot plant
Australia’s first biofuels pilot plant was officially opened by the Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk MP, in Gladstone today.
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Australia’s biggest battery system delivered to WA astronomy hub
Carnegie Clean Energy adds 2.6MWh battery storage system to 1.6MW solar system at CSIRO's Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory.
Categories: Around The Web
Reposit recall deals blow to Canberra energy management start-up
Leading Australian home energy management start-up, Reposit Power, has issued a recall for all Reposit meter and box Kits installed since 2015, due to potential risk of electric shock.
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