China’s Goldwind offers free wind power training for coal miners
Wyoming is where the majority of American coal comes from, but its also one of the best suited states for wind energy.
Categories: Around The Web
Queensland may change solar tariffs to match peak demand
Queensland Competition Authority directed to investigate the potential benefits – for both networks and consumers – of introducing of time-of-use solar tariffs.
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Coalition tries to push CEFC into carbon capture and storage
Coalition wants CEFC to be able to invest in carbon capture and storage, despite no evidence that it can cut emissions and lower costs as claimed.
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Australian renewables head for “boom-time” – led by states
CEC report says 2017 shaping up to be biggest year for renewables since Snowy Hydro 1, as industry shakes off Abbott-era uncertainty and state governments take the lead.
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Who tilts at windmills? Explaining hostility to renewables
Studying the catastrophe that has been Australian climate and energy policy these past 30 years is thoroughly depressing. Why were we so stupid, so unrelentingly shortsighted?
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Solar supplied 3.2% of Australia demand in 2016, heading to 30%
Solar accounted for 3.2% of total generation in Australia last year, and its big rise will continue to 30% by 2030 and more than 50% by 2050.
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Batteries are sexy and synchronous, but will energy ministers trust them?
SA energy minister Tom Koutsantonis is still weighing up how much faith he can put into battery storage to manage the grid.
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The myth that Adani coal is boom or bust for Queensland economy
Adani Power's latest big loss underlines the fact that its Carmichael coal project makes no sense. One myth is that the local economy would be devastated if the mine doesn't go ahead. But it's simply not true, given the huge pipeline of solar, wind, storage, biofuel and battery manufacturing projects.
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Boston Energy consortium advances plans for Queensland battery gigafactory
Australian consortium ready to choose site in Townsville for first Australian battery "gigafactory", signs deal to do same in New York.
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Regional centre gets Tesla fast charging stations
Tesla has added Watergardens Town Centre to its network of fast charging stations.
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Know your NEM: Renewable energy certificates in free-fall
Renewable energy futures prices are in free-fall, reflecting the general view that the 2020 target can be met, and may even be exceeded.
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Carnegie completes plans for Mauritius wave, solar + storage microgrid
Carnegie Clean Enegry completes design of a wave energy integrated hybrid power station for the Mauritian island of Rodrigues.
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Graph of the Day: German solar PV production peaks at 42% of demand
Solar PV production in Germany averaged at greater than 30GW for an hour on Sunday, amounting to 42% of total power production at that time.
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Australians say climate change is catastrophic risk, even as government turns blind eye
Three in four Australians understand that climate warming poses a “catastrophic risk,” even as the Australian government turns a blind eye.
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UK sets new solar power record of 24.3% of demand on May 26
UK broke a solar power record for the second time this month last Friday.
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New guide to help business slash energy costs
The Energy Efficiency Council (EEC) has launched a new guide that will help Australia's manufacturers and commercial building owners take control of their energy costs.
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AEMO receiving 1,000 applications for wind and solar projects a month
Australian Energy Market Operator says applications for new wind and solar projects up 50-fold in recent months, based on economics, not environment.
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AEMO says major market reform essential to cut energy prices
AEMO and ARENA again plead for changes to market rules to keep pace with extraordinary change of technology. Australia's over-buit grid is locked in 20th century, with much capacity sitting idle and peaking plants trying to recoup a year's revenue in just a few hours.
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Financial agreements of Sweihan Photovoltaic Independent Power Project in Abu Dhabi were signed
The agreements closed a US$870 million financing for the Project.
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AGL tests household energy trading using blockchain in Melbourne pilot
AGL-led, ARENA-backed pilot to test P2P energy trading between households using blockchain technology.
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