Carbon Pulse

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News and intelligence on carbon markets, greenhouse gas pricing, and climate policy
Updated: 58 min 25 sec ago

Alberta TIER market credit prices inch upwards in September, as vintage value differential grows

Wed, 2023-10-04 06:32
Spot credit prices under the Alberta Technology Innovation and Emission Reduction (TIER) programme in September edged marginally above August prices, while newer vintage units widened their premium to older-dated credits, said a report published Tuesday.
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Canadian carbon credit financer announces offtake agreement with construction association

Wed, 2023-10-04 03:44
A Canadian carbon credit firm on Tuesday declared an offtake agreement with a British Columbia-based non-profit construction association to abate emissions within the construction industry.
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North Carolina passes law barring state participation in power sector cap-and-trade

Wed, 2023-10-04 03:43
North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper (D) allowed the state's budget bill to go into effect on Monday, blocking the state from implementing a power sector cap-and-trade programme, following years of efforts from environmental groups motioning for state participation in RGGI.
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EUAs set to reach more than €150 by 2030 as allocation adjustment and additional supply needed by 2029 –analysts

Wed, 2023-10-04 03:27
EUA prices are set to track higher over the remainder of the carbon market's current trading phase, reaching more than €150 by 2030 amid a tightening annual cap that will require cross-sectoral culling to free allocation, while attention will switch to deciding the EU’s 2040 climate target and decarbonising industry, according to analysts.
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Biodiversity Pulse: Tuesday October 3, 2023

Wed, 2023-10-04 02:59
A twice-weekly summary of our biodiversity news plus bite-sized updates from around the world. All articles in this edition are free to read (no subscription required).
Categories: Around The Web

UPDATE – EU’s proposed Green Deal and climate commissioners fail first Parliament test

Wed, 2023-10-04 02:48
Both candidates to be the next EU commissioners for the European Green Deal and for climate action failed to secure the required two-thirds majority of lawmakers to be confirmed by the European Parliament's environment committee (ENVI) on Tuesday.
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UAE energy company partners with Abu Dhabi Environment Agency to plant 700k mangroves by 2030

Wed, 2023-10-04 02:43
An Abu Dhabi-based energy company has partnered with the emirate’s Environment Agency to plant 700,000 mangroves through 2030, supporting both the UAE's net zero ambitions and the wider goals of the Mangrove Alliance for Climate (MAC).
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CDR platform launches with almost 1 mln forward credits on offer

Wed, 2023-10-04 02:28
A forward-crediting platform for carbon dioxide removal (CDR) projects has launched Tuesday with nearly 1 million credits available for buyers, the firm announced in a press release.
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PREVIEW: Calls for Green Climate Fund reform mount as pledging round struggles to attract cash

Wed, 2023-10-04 02:19
Ahead of a high-level pledging conference this week, observers have warned that the utility of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) is under threat unless critical reforms are made, due to weak commitments from rich nations in the latest call for cash and a sluggish project approval process.
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New funding to boost investment-readiness for nature markets in Scotland

Wed, 2023-10-04 01:56
The Scottish government has announced an open call for projects aiming to support current and future nature markets, which it hopes will drive equitable financial investment in natural capital, among broader calls for UK-wide policy cohesion to help promote the emerging biodiversity market.
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France-based asset managers launch Paris-aligned multi-thematic climate fund

Wed, 2023-10-04 01:54
A French asset manager is launching a multi-thematic climate fund targeting companies that adopt and disclose decarbonisation strategies aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
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FEATURE: Environmental interests are a driving force behind rising land prices

Wed, 2023-10-04 01:11
Growing awareness of natural capital opportunities such as carbon and biodiversity credit-generating projects is an important factor driving up land values, particularly in supply-constrained markets such as the UK, according to industry sources.
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A global biodiversity observation system will be essential, says academic

Wed, 2023-10-04 00:16
Establishing a worldwide system of biodiversity networks sharing harmonised data is critical for society, an academic has said.
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Carbon credit ratings agency starts grading projects before credits are issued

Tue, 2023-10-03 23:07
A carbon credit ratings agency has for the first time awarded a score to a project that has yet to issue any credits, as it seeks to expand its role from the secondary to the primary voluntary carbon market.
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Euro Markets: Midday Update

Tue, 2023-10-03 22:21
European carbon prices declined for the sixth time in the last seven days, dropping to their lowest in four months, as weakening margins for coal-fired power plants depressed demand for EUAs, while German baseload power fell to its lowest since March 2022 and natural gas prices also fell sharply.
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INTERVIEW: Consultancy wants property developers to avoid offsets by integrating biodiversity

Tue, 2023-10-03 22:16
Property developers should take advantage of the economic value of nature and integrate biodiversity into their projects, rather than just offsetting their impact, according to software and consultancy company Endangered Wildlife OU.
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INTERVIEW: Startup reforestation company eyes lucrative ITMO market between Ghana and Singapore

Tue, 2023-10-03 21:43
A startup reforestation company with plots in Ghana has estimated that its breakeven costs could be as low as $6 per credit, as it eyes the potentially lucrative market for buyers of correspondingly adjusted ITMO credits in Singapore, while the African nation continues to advance its work to export units. 
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Tech company unveils ground-truthing platform for corporate nature disclosures

Tue, 2023-10-03 20:45
A UK-based tech company on Tuesday launched a first of its kind cloud-based platform powered by environmental DNA to “equip business for [the] nature reporting boom”, it said.
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Taiwan to introduce blue carbon methodology

Tue, 2023-10-03 19:12
Taiwan is planning to introduce an offset methodology for blue carbon, as the island aims to secure more carbon credits from nature-based projects following the launch of a government-backed voluntary marketplace.
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Australian government seeks input on its Gordian knot of gas policy

Tue, 2023-10-03 19:05
Australia has released its future gas strategy paper for consultation, via which the government hopes to support Australia's gas industry of both users and producers, its vast LNG exports to allies, and its 43% emissions cut to 2030.
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