Carbon Pulse

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News and intelligence on carbon markets, greenhouse gas pricing, and climate policy
Updated: 1 hour 4 min ago

Euro Markets: Midday Update

Mon, 2023-10-02 22:02
European carbon fell on Monday morning, dropping to an eight-day low as demand appeared to be retreating amid growing expectations that fossil burn will remain weak even at the start of the winter demand season, while energy prices also retreated as North Sea gas supply improved.
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Wetland conservation most effective ocean-based climate solution, research finds

Mon, 2023-10-02 21:40
Wetland conservation has the highest potential impact for mitigating climate change when compared with alternative ocean-based solutions, according to researchers at a British university, with the report proposing cost-per-tonne levels across different activities to ensure the protection of such ecosystems.
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Alliance calls for national plan as Australia fights losing battle against nature loss

Mon, 2023-10-02 21:38
An alliance of more than 20 organisations and companies has urged the Australian government to design a national restoration plan with targets and funding mechanisms to turn the tide as the nation’s ecosystem degradation and decline continue at scale.
Categories: Around The Web

UAE offers to host UN climate summit in 2024, with fossil fuel firms poised to ramp up carbon capture and net zero targets

Mon, 2023-10-02 20:16
The UAE has offered to host the UN climate summit for a second consecutive year with Russia blocking Armenia and Azerbaijan's proposals for the 2024 event, according to media reports, as the Middle Eastern nation's state oil company doubles its carbon capture goal, and major oil and gas firms are said to have agreed at a summit in Abu Dhabi to rally around a 2050 net zero target.
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Japanese banks wrestle with transition finance assessments

Mon, 2023-10-02 19:48
Financial institutions should use more diversified approaches and metrics to ensure an adequate evaluation of transition finance for the hard-to-abate sectors, an expert group of major Japanese banks has argued.
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Indonesian oil company signs nature-based solution agreement with provincial government

Mon, 2023-10-02 19:16
The renewable energy subsidiary of Indonesian state oil company Pertamina over the weekend struck a "green economy" agreement with a provincial government that includes plans to identify and develop nature-based solutions (NBS) to generate carbon credits.
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Working group to consider carbon credit eligibility in Japan’s GX League trading scheme

Mon, 2023-10-02 17:21
The government of Japan has established three working groups to promote its nationwide decarbonisation initiative, including a task force to discuss the eligibility of carbon credits, laying the foundation for the world's fifth-largest CO2 emitter to improve an emerging domestic carbon market.
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New Zealand govt defends new ETS service fees, annual forestry charge

Mon, 2023-10-02 15:39
New Zealand’s Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) has defended its move to introduce annual fees per hectare of forest and a range of service charges in the ETS, arguing the funds accrued will be essential to maintain the integrity of the scheme.
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ICVCM expert views voluntary carbon market oversight not purview of CFTC

Mon, 2023-10-02 13:44
The US Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) lacks the expertise to create standards for the voluntary carbon market (VCM), a member of the industry’s private sector governance body argued, while some experts were not convinced the Council’s upcoming Core Carbon Principles (CCP) labelled credits will be the silver bullet the sector anticipated.
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Vietnamese firm launches carbon credit trading platform

Mon, 2023-10-02 13:17
Vietnam has taken further steps towards a more comprehensive voluntary carbon market as tech and real estate firm CT Group launched the ASEAN Carbon Credit Exchange Joint Stock Company (CCTPA) in southern business hub Ho Chi Minh City.
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Scientists sound alarm over recent soil ACCU issuances

Mon, 2023-10-02 11:12
A group of Australian scientists have raised “serious concerns” that Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) generated from soil carbon projects could be overinflated and based on non-additional activities, urging  the Clean Energy Regulator to release its data on how it calculates its crediting.
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CP Daily: Friday September 29, 2023

Sat, 2023-09-30 10:01
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
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Business Developer, Acorn – Utrecht

Sat, 2023-09-30 09:09
Acorn, a business unit from Rabobank, creates and sells Carbon Removal Units (“CRU”) of 1 tonne CO2, captured by agroforestry projects with smallholder farmers in developing countries. Large corporates and financial institutions with ambitious climate goals are our target audience.  As Business Developer, you make sure you get the best price for the CRUs and thereby help our smallholder farmers get the maximum value for the carbon sequestered by the trees that they have planted.
Categories: Around The Web

Chile publishes regulations to govern offset mechanism under carbon tax

Sat, 2023-09-30 09:03
The Chilean government on Friday published regulations setting out the rules for utilising offsets against the country’s $5/tonne carbon tax, including restrictions on geography and expiry.
Categories: Around The Web

Growth in new California carbon speculators slows in Q3, as multiple dairies close accounts

Sat, 2023-09-30 08:18
Fewer new financial players opened accounts in California’s WCI-linked cap-and-trade programme in Q3 than in previous quarters, while a slew of dairy digester owners exited the programme, according to state data published Friday.
Categories: Around The Web

Emitters pick up CCAs, RGAs as speculators trim holdings in both markets

Sat, 2023-09-30 08:14
Regulated parties picked up holdings of California Carbon Allowances (CCAs) and RGGI Allowances (RGAs) over the week as financial players moved in the opposite direction, while the roles were reversed in the third week of Washington Carbon Allowance (WCA) holdings being reported in US Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) data published Friday.
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Pennsylvania governor keeps mum on pursuing cap-and-trade recommendations from RGGI working group

Sat, 2023-09-30 06:57
A working group convened by Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro (D) released its final memorandum Friday detailing recommendations for cap-and-trade in the Keystone State, though the Commonwealth leader did not provide any information regarding his plans to implement the advice.
Categories: Around The Web

PREVIEW: World braces for change as EU CBAM comes into force

Sat, 2023-09-30 03:17
As the EU’s carbon border adjustment mechanism comes into effect on Oct. 1, exporters to the region are gearing up to measure their carbon impact and bracing for levies further down the line, with several jurisdictions already moving to ramp up the development of their own carbon pricing measures in a bid to minimise the economic impact of the policy.
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Proposed EU climate and Green Deal commissioners face parliamentary ‘grilling’

Sat, 2023-09-30 02:12
The European Commission's proposed new climate and Green Deal commissioners are expected to face tough hearings before the European Parliament next week despite receiving backing from some quarters.
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US details plan for $35 mln pilot CDR purchasing programme

Sat, 2023-09-30 01:51
The US government on Friday detailed its previously announced plans to allocate up to $35 million to buy carbon dioxide removal (CDR) credits from several pathways as it attempts to help scale the industry and reach net zero GHG output.
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