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Updated: 16 min 49 sec ago

California compliance offset issuance retreats, though exceeds 2022 levels through Q3

Thu, 2023-09-28 07:57
California took a slower pace in the issuance of compliance offsets over the last two weeks, including of those tagged with direct environmental benefits (DEBs), although it continues to distribute credits faster than last year, data from state regulator ARB published Wednesday showed.
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High-quality credits a must for defence of buyers’ carbon offset purchases, survey details

Thu, 2023-09-28 07:19
The quality of carbon credits has become the uppermost concern for offset buyers in the voluntary carbon market (VCM) looking to defend their purchase decisions under the onslaught of scrutiny from stakeholders, according to a recent market survey. 
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*Carbon Standards Specialist, Space Intelligence – Edinburgh

Thu, 2023-09-28 06:54
PREMIUM LISTING - We are seeking a Carbon Standards Specialist to work with our technical and business development teams to ensure we provide our customers with the best advice about which methodologies and standard to use, what approach to take, and to lead the process of drafting and obtaining approval for methodology deviations or similar where this is necessary.
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RFS Market: RIN prices nosedive to 19-mth low as bearish fundamentals weigh

Thu, 2023-09-28 06:29
Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) credit values fell into the double digits this week as traders said strong biomass-based diesel production and financial players selling was exacerbating a months-long drop in the price of RINs.
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Brazil Senate delays ETS bill vote to consider agriculture sector amendments

Thu, 2023-09-28 06:24
A Brazil Senate committee on Wednesday for the third time delayed a vote on cap-and-trade legislation, which in the most recent instance will involve discussing proposed amendments from the country’s agribusiness lobby.
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California power emissions continue to recede through August

Thu, 2023-09-28 06:16
California electricity sector CO2 output maintained its 10-year decline through August, as the share of renewables and hydroelectricity continued to climb while imports decreased compared to 2022 levels, according to data published Wednesday.
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Zimbabwe drops controversial plan to give 25% of credit revenue to local communities

Thu, 2023-09-28 03:12
Zimbabwe has backed down on forcing project developers to hand over a quarter of their share of proceeds from credit sales to local communities, the government announced Wednesday, following a backlash from investors and market participants.
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EU must opt for stringent CO2 targets for trucks to maintain competitive edge -green group

Thu, 2023-09-28 02:56
The EU risks losing a sizeable chunk of the truck manufacturing market to competitors such as the US and China by 2035 if it does not adopt high CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles, according to NGO-commissioned analysis published on Wednesday.
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ANALYSIS: Major US agtech company still bullish on voluntary carbon market, while other ecosystem players demonstrate caution

Thu, 2023-09-28 02:10
Amidst sentiments of distrust in nature-based solutions and a stuttering voluntary carbon market (VCM), a once-billion-dollar-valued agtech company remains confident in its plan to scale up soil carbon offset generation, while others in the sector forecast more conservative economics.
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UK-France biodiversity credit panel’s 21 members revealed

Thu, 2023-09-28 01:24
The 21 members of a UK-France government-initiated panel aiming to galvanise international biodiversity credit markets have been announced.
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New approach needed for high-integrity marine natural capital markets, says report

Thu, 2023-09-28 01:21
A group of environmental finance organisations have set out a vision for high-integrity marine natural capital markets for the UK in a new consultative report, which they hope will help close an estimated funding gap close to £50 billion for marine ecosystems.
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Buying UK employees a pint of beer every week more expensive than climate action, finds survey

Wed, 2023-09-27 23:43
UK technology companies could spend less than the cost of a pint of beer on every employee per week to become one of the top 100 companies in the country for emissions mitigation, according to a survey published on Wednesday.
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Euro Markets: Midday Update

Wed, 2023-09-27 23:20
European carbon prices were slightly weaker on Wednesday morning as traders absorbed Commitment of Traders data that showed a small decrease in the net short position of investment funds, but several participants questioned whether this would be sufficient to trigger another short squeeze.
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Irish peatland standard to include biodiversity credits before 2026, non-profit says

Wed, 2023-09-27 22:50
An emerging Republic of Ireland peatland standard aims to address biodiversity credits before the end of 2025, a sustainable finance non-profit has said.
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The pain of net gain: UK government delays mandatory biodiversity mechanism into new year

Wed, 2023-09-27 22:20
Market actors have expressed major concerns about the UK's nature market direction, as biodiversity rules for the planning and development sector have been delayed by the UK government with no fixed date for its implementation.
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UPDATE – Global shipping needs bold collaborative action to decarbonise -UN report

Wed, 2023-09-27 21:30
Global shipping needs swift action and collaboration to decarbonise in order to tackle growing emissions and regulatory uncertainty and ensure a just and equitable transition, according to a UN report released Wednesday.
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Iceland agrees to buy 3.4 mln Kyoto emissions rights from Slovakia

Wed, 2023-09-27 21:25
Iceland has agreed to buy 3.4 million sovereign carbon units from Slovakia in order to fulfil its legally-binding obligations under the Kyoto Protocol’s second commitment period (2013-20).
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Report outlines steps for policymakers to ensure removals do not impede reductions

Wed, 2023-09-27 20:07
A report published Wednesday has set out 12 guidelines for policymakers to ensure that the scramble to scale carbon removals technologies such as direct air capture does not slow down much-needed emissions reductions.
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Project accelerator launches to drive investments in African biodiversity

Wed, 2023-09-27 20:02
A group of five companies and organisations has launched an accelerator to attract investment in high-quality biodiversity projects across Africa, with a first call for proposals open until late next month.
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China sees first purchase of salt marsh-based carbon credits

Wed, 2023-09-27 19:46
One of China's leading tech firms has agreed to buy salt marsh-based carbon credits under a regional scheme, the first of its kind in the country, amid rising interest among domestic developers in the emerging blue carbon market.
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