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New species of dinosaur unearthed by Isle of Wight fossil hunters

BBC - Wed, 2021-09-29 20:25
About 50 bones of the carnivorous dinosaurs are found on a beach in southern England.
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China could reach carbon neutral well before 2060 -IEA

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-09-29 19:51
China has the capability to start reducing its CO2 emissions from the mid-2020s and become carbon neutral well ahead of its 2060 target date, the International Energy Agency said Wednesday.
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Activists block M25 for seventh time despite threat of fines and prison

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-09-29 18:33

Police arrest 11 after climate crisis protesters defy court injunction and glue themselves to road

Police have arrested 11 people after activists from Insulate Britain blocked a roundabout at a junction with the M25 by glueing themselves to the road on Wednesday morning.

The protest, which started at about 7.30am, was the seventh similar action to be taken by the Extinction Rebellion splinter group – and the second since the granting of a court injunction that threatened imprisonment or unlimited fines if they did not stop.

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Genetically modified food a step closer in England as laws relaxed

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-09-29 16:00

Government removes costs and red tape in go-ahead for more trials of gene edited crops

The prospect of genetically modified foods being grown and sold in the UK has come a step closer after changes to farming regulations that will allow field trials of gene edited crops in England.

Companies or research organisations wishing to conduct field trials will still have to notify the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the government announced on Wednesday, but existing costs and red tape will be removed so more trials are likely to go ahead.

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Winners of the 2021 Nature Conservancy photo contest – in pictures

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-09-29 16:00

UK photographer Anup Shah won the competition with his photograph of a gorilla walking through a cloud of butterflies in the Central African Republic

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Australia’s NSW sets higher ambition for emissions reduction by 2030

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-09-29 15:44
New South Wales has upwardly revised its 2030 target to reduce emissions, to 50% from the level in 2005, an increase from its previous target of 35%, the Australian state government announced on Wednesday.
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Tesla battery switched on at world’s biggest solar farm in Middle East

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2021-09-29 15:29

World's biggest single solar project in UAE trials Tesla battery system as it looks to bulk up storage capacity.

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Turnbull challenges Morrison to go to Glasgow: “History is made by those who turn up”

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2021-09-29 15:15

Former Australian prime minister Malcolm Turnbull speaks at the Smart Energy 2021 conference in May - AAP - optimisedTurnbull says Morrison's absence from COP26 will send a message about his priorities, slamming the "nonsense of a gas led recovery."

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Tesla secures biggest ever order – six gigawatt hours – for Megapack batteries in US

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2021-09-29 15:13

US developer Arevon signs deal to buy six gigawatt hours of Tesla Megapack battery storage for US projects.

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UK’s home gas boilers emit twice as much CO2 as all power stations – study

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-09-29 15:00

Data highlights urgent need for government action to introduce low-carbon heat pumps, researchers say

The millions of gas boilers in the UK’s homes produce twice as much climate-heating carbon emissions as all the nation’s gas-fired power stations combined, according to an analysis.

The finding highlighted the urgent need for a strong government policy to rapidly introduce low-carbon heating such as heat pumps, the researchers said.

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Supermarkets vow to cut ties with meat suppliers found to exploit workers

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-09-29 15:00

Pledge comes after a Guardian investigation found allegations of widespread exploitation suffered by meat plant workers across Europe

Read more: ‘The whole system is rotten’: life inside Europe’s meat industry

UK and European leading supermarkets say they would cut ties with any suppliers that did not meet their ethical standards after a Guardian investigation found allegations of widespread exploitation suffered by workers in meat plants across Europe.

The British Retail Consortium (BRC), a representative body for UK retailers, including supermarkets and food-to-go restaurants, said companies carry out ethical audits of the suppliers they work with and would act on any information received through whistleblowers and investigations.

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Cocktail of pesticides in almost all oranges and grapes, UK study finds

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-09-29 15:00

Traces of 122 different pesticides in 12 most polluted fruit and veg products, many with links to cancer

Almost all grapes and oranges contain a “cocktail of pesticides” according to research, which has singled out the most polluted fruit and vegetables in our shopping trolleys.

Each year, the government tests samples of groceries for chemicals to see if traces can be found in Britain’s food.

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Solar Insiders Podcast: Taylor’s solar review, and PV shutdowns

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2021-09-29 14:54

Rooftop solar nears 100% of South Australia demand, as AEMO prepares PV shutdowns and regulator acts on Taylor’s solar review.

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The climate crisis has sparked an economic arms race – and Australia cannot afford to stay idle | Matt Kean

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-09-29 14:10

Australia should not be a climate laggard at Glasgow. We should be leading the world and encouraging every other country to increase their climate ambitions

As world leaders prepare to meet in Glasgow in November for international climate talks, the race is on to protect our planet and our way of life.

The UN’s international panel on climate change makes clear that we need to reduce our emissions to net zero by 2050.

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Nuclear power’s long decline in shadow of wind and solar

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2021-09-29 13:47

Nuclear power has been stagnant for three decades. There is one big difference with the situation 30 years ago: the reactor fleet was young then, now it is old.

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New Zealand kea can use touchscreens but can’t distinguish between real and virtual worlds

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-09-29 13:25

Study finds the intelligent endangered alpine parrot can be trained to use electronic devices with their tongues

The kea, an endangered New Zealand parrot, is clever enough to use touchscreens but don’t appear to be able to tell the difference between the real and virtual worlds, according to a new study.

Researchers taught six kea at the Willowbank Wildlife Reserve in Christchurch to operate touchscreens. The birds were presented with a series of tasks that were either entirely physical, entirely on-screen or a mixture of both.

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Project Fortress: UK’s largest solar park to include battery storage

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2021-09-29 13:06

Quinbrook to build biggest solar and battery storage installation in UK.

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NSW will halve emissions in a decade, by doing the things Morrison refuses to do

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2021-09-29 12:55

nsw government EV policy budget announcement - aap - optimisedNSW's success in embracing a clean energy future comes by doing the things the Morrison government refuses to do.

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Lava from La Palma eruption hits the ocean

BBC - Wed, 2021-09-29 12:03
Clouds of steam rise as the red-hot current makes contact with the Atlantic on the Spanish island.
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UK will be ‘very disappointed’ if Scott Morrison not at Cop26 climate talks

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-09-29 11:31

High commissioner to Australia calls on PM to give ‘firm commitment’ to net zero emissions by 2050, saying ‘the time is now’ to raise targets

The UK’s high commissioner to Australia has warned it will be “very disappointed” if Scott Morrison doesn’t attend climate talks in Glasgow, as pressure mounts to lift emissions reduction ambitions.

Vicki Treadell made the comments to ABC Radio National on Wednesday, warning that Australia risks being left behind if it doesn’t embrace a target of net zero emissions by 2050 and more ambitious interim targets at the Cop26 meeting to be attended by hundreds of world leaders.

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