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Brazilian business groups ask for compliance carbon market as legislation moves through Congress

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-09-29 02:38
A coalition of more than 100 Brazilian businesses called on Monday for the implementation of a regulated carbon market in the country, as lawmakers called for public hearings on a bill to operationalise a national cap-and-trade system.
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Greta Thunberg mocks world leaders' words at Youth4Climate

BBC - Wed, 2021-09-29 02:22
Greta Thunberg, the climate activist, uses a speech to mock world leaders, including UK PM Boris Johnson.
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EU lawmakers vote to prolong fossil fuel gas subsidies until 2027

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-09-29 02:08

Campaigners voice dismay after rule permitting gas pipelines where energy is mixed with hydrogen

European lawmakers have voted to prolong subsidies for fossil fuel gas until 2027, opening a potential backdoor for pollution that campaigners said would be a disaster for the climate if it becomes law.

Members of the European parliament’s industry committee voted on Tuesday to allow the EU to continue subsidising natural gas pipelines until the end of 2027, as long as the energy is mixed with an unspecified amount of hydrogen.

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RGGI outlines schedule for upcoming programme review process

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-09-29 02:06
The 11 RGGI states are hoping to finish the upcoming programme review of the power sector carbon market by 2023, with officials aiming to complete policy scenarios by mid-2022, according to documents published Tuesday morning.
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ANALYSIS: Experts expect Japan to restrict voluntary offset access as it beefs up domestic mechanisms

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-09-29 00:11
Japan is likely to impose restrictions on the use of voluntary carbon credits from abroad as it wishes to steer offset demand towards domestic units that will help it meet its Paris Agreement obligations, according to observers.
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NSW aims to cut emissions in half by 2030 with $37 billion clean energy surge

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2021-09-29 00:01

Canva - NSW wind farm landscape Australia WWF - optimisedNSW to slash emissions by 50% by 2030 and become a renewable energy superpower, as state Coalition underlines divide with federal counterparts.

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Australian researchers uncover fossil of new eagle species

BBC - Tue, 2021-09-28 22:34
Palaeontologists from Australia found the 'exceptional' fossilised remains in 2016.
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Euro Markets: Midday Update

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2021-09-28 22:19
EU and UK carbon prices continued to rise on Tuesday, setting more all-time highs while other energy contracts posted double-digit gains.
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Atlas V: Rocket launch creates strange lights in UK sky

BBC - Tue, 2021-09-28 21:59
Amateur astronomers across the UK capture the strange cone-shaped lights from their back gardens.
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'All we hear is blah blah blah': Greta Thunberg takes aim at climate platitudes – video

The Guardian - Tue, 2021-09-28 21:58

The climate activist Greta Thunberg has taken world leaders to task about their promises to address the climate emergency. In a speech at the Youth4Climate summit, she asked for constructive dialogue and for the media to focus on what politicians do, rather than what they say they are going to do 

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Britain’s leaky homes make the energy crisis worse. Why have governments not fixed them? | Max Wakefield

The Guardian - Tue, 2021-09-28 20:00

Our housing stock needs better insulation and low-carbon heating, or we’ll continue to suffer these shocks

Over the past few days the country has been thrown into panic, as soaring gas prices threaten to plunge hundreds of thousands more households into fuel poverty, joining the 2.5 million already there. For others, uncomfortably tight budgets will be further squeezed. Any country reliant on the worldwide gas market faces the risk of perennial price shocks. But let’s be clear: the extent of this crisis was not inevitable. It is, in significant part, the result of a decade of government failure to insulate us from the disastrous downsides of fossil-fuel dependency.

The UK is a difficult country to keep warm. It has some of the oldest and leakiest housing stock in western Europe, ensuring that heat dissipates through walls, windows and doors quickly after leaving radiators. Nine in 10 households rely on gas boilers, and lots of gas boilers need lots of gas: UK households consume more of it than almost all of their European peers, at around twice the EU average. In 2000, when North Sea gas accounted for 98% of overall supply, households were at little risk of price shocks. But as national production has tumbled by two-thirds in the two decades since, imports have risen from just 2% to 60% of supply to fill the gap.

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‘Blah, blah, blah’: Greta Thunberg lambasts leaders over climate crisis

The Guardian - Tue, 2021-09-28 19:00

Exclusive: Activist says there are many fine words but the science does not lie – CO2 emissions are still rising

Greta Thunberg has excoriated global leaders over their promises to address the climate emergency, dismissing them as “blah, blah, blah”.

She quoted statements by Boris Johnson: “This is not some expensive, politically correct, green act of bunny hugging”, and Narendra Modi: “Fighting climate change calls for innovation, cooperation and willpower” but said the science did not lie.

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Man bitten by crocodile during tourist river cruise near Darwin

The Guardian - Tue, 2021-09-28 18:11

The victim, 60, reported to be in stable condition in Northern Territory hospital after being bitten by three- to four-metre-long crocodile

A 60-year-old man is in hospital in the Northern Territory after being bitten on the arm by a crocodile during a cruise on the Adelaide River near Darwin.

St John Ambulance officials took a triple zero call after the incident on Monday and sent a crew to rendezvous with the victim and those helping him.

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The Nationals signing up to net-zero should be a no-brainer. Instead, they're holding Australia to ransom

The Conversation - Tue, 2021-09-28 16:14
The National Party’s position on net-zero is wrong, for so many reasons. Not least, it’s a betrayal of rural Australia. Matt McDonald, Associate Professor of International Relations, The University of Queensland Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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NSW plans new scheme to help homes cut peak demand, including batteries

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2021-09-28 15:00

AEMC demand response decision Finger Pointing To Electric Meter Reading - optimisedNSW government to support households and businesses shift energy use out of peak periods with new Peak Demand Reduction Scheme.

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Revealed: exploitation of meat plant workers rife across UK and Europe

The Guardian - Tue, 2021-09-28 15:00

Thousands of outsourced workers on inferior pay and conditions to fulfil demand for cheap meat, Guardian investigation shows

Read more: ‘The whole system is rotten’: life inside Europe’s meat industry

Meat companies across Europe have been hiring thousands of workers through subcontractors, agencies and bogus co-operatives on inferior pay and conditions, a Guardian investigation has found.

Workers, officials and labour experts have described how Europe’s £190bn meat industry has become a global hotspot for outsourced labour, with a floating cohort of workers, many of whom are migrants, with some earning 40% to 50% less than directly employed staff in the same factories.

The Guardian has uncovered evidence of a two-tier employment system with workers subjected to sub-standard pay and conditions to fulfil the meat industry’s need for a replenishable source of low-paid, hyper-flexible workers.

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TransGrid fast tracks network spending to boost wind and solar in south-west NSW

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2021-09-28 14:39

Australia transmission network infrastructure - canva - optimisedTransGrid will fast track spending on a key network upgrade in south-west NSW that will support wind and solar projects – even before it has obtained regulatory approval.

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Five years after blackout, South Australia now only state with zero supply shortfalls

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2021-09-28 14:29

Five years after its blackout, South Australia has the highest share of wind and solar, is the only state without supply shortfalls, and has reduced bills.

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Origin’s big technology play pays off, as Octopus stake surges to $1.1bn

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2021-09-28 13:57

Origin Energy's stake in Octopus Energy has more than doubled in value in about 12 months - hitting $1.1 billion (supplied).Origin's investment in an innovative customer management platform pays dividends, with Octopus Energy surging to a A$5.5 billion valuation.

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Siemens Gamesa begins installation of world’s biggest wind turbine

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2021-09-28 13:33

Siemens GamesaSiemens Gamesa begins construction of what will be world's biggest wind turbine in Denmark.

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