2017 Qld Student Award

Mon, 2017-11-13 20:24 -- 1225295


The 18th Annual Queensland Environmental Student Award Night was hosted by Griffith University and held at the Nathan Campus EcoCentre on 18 October 2017.

The evening showcased thesis projects being undertaken by Queensland undergraduate students studying environmental science, environmental management and environmental engineering at Qld universities as follows:

Julia McLeod - University of Southern Queensland

  • Performance of Water Sensitive Urban Design Bioretention Systems on the Gold Coast


Rebekah Wilhelmi - Central Queensland University

  • Chloride Penetration Resistance of Concrete Made with Recycled Concrete Aggregate


Jessica Thomas - Griffith University

  • Investigation of the Performance and Comparison of Dewatering Devices at Redlands Bay Council, Water and Waste


The success of this award relies on the support of the engineering industry, both through participation and financial support.  Funds are used to provide a small cash prize to winning students.

SENG and WMAA would like to thank our host university and sponsor:


For information about the event in recent years, go to this page and look at details of the events from 2006 to 2016.