W.A. Events

A Study of the Implications of Different Electric Vehicle (EV) Uptake Scenarios in WA

Thu, 2020-09-03 21:00 -- Peter Hollis

This presentation is from the speaker's thesis which looks at different electric vehicle (EV) case studies in WA, relating an EV attributed electric load at different market penetrations of EVs in WA, and how the South-West Interconnected System (SWIS - the WA power grid) will deal with that. Several factors are considered including usage behaviours of EV drivers to understand the impact across SWIS daily load curves, considering peak demand and capacity.

Fire, flood, storm and cyclone: applying science to the challenge

Sat, 2020-08-15 18:44 -- Peter Hollis

The tragic and destructive bushfires of the 2019-2020 Black Summer across south-eastern Australia pose a range of challenges for the nation’s scientists. In the face of the combined forces of nature, climate, demographics, and limited resources, can science make a real difference? What sort of research do we need to do now to prepare us for the natural hazard impacts of tomorrow?  

Australian Construction and Demolition Waste Challenges and Opportunities

Mon, 2020-06-29 14:18 -- Peter Hollis

Unprecedented expenditure on Australian infrastructure upgrades and construction projects continues to generate enormous quantities of construction and demolition (C&D) waste, posing both challenges and opportunities for Australia's waste management industry. How does Australia stack up against the rest of the world when it comes to efficient management of our C&D waste and incorporation of circular economy principles?

Climate Change Challenges – An Engineering Perspective

Mon, 2020-06-22 14:50 -- Peter Hollis

How will engineering and engineers of the future need to adapt in light of climate change?

This online collaborative event, jointly organised by Engineers Australia (WA Division) and the UWA Public Policy Institute, will bring together engineering professionals and researchers to explore the challenges presented by climate change and the likely impacts on engineering standards, training and policy.

Climate Change and the Ocean

Tue, 2020-06-09 19:22 -- Peter Hollis

The first topic relates to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is a United Nations body that assesses international scientific data related to global climate change. The IPCC presents the status of this data, the resulting global implications and potential future risks, as well as mitigation and adaptation options to reduce the rate at which climate change is taking place within regularly released Assessment Reports. The IPCC also produces topic–specific Special Reports at the request of its member governments.

Urban Development Impacted by High Groundwater

Tue, 2019-10-22 21:25 -- 6147839

This session will provide an overview of the hydrological processes which determine high groundwater conditions. The topics include hydraulic conductivity, specific yield, Darcy’s Law, recharge rates, rainfall regimes, climate change and appropriate models and parameter values.

Specifically the talk will address hydrological engineering design of (i) sizing of infiltration basins and (ii) subsoil drainage for control of groundwater levels.

The presentation is based on over 30 years of WA experience in urban hydrology applied to major subdivision projects.

Future Earth Australia

Sun, 2019-03-10 23:59 -- 6147839

Future Earth Australia welcomes submissions from government, practitioners, industry, the private sector, NGOs, civil society and academia on our 'Urban Systems Transformation for Sustainable Development Outcomes' consultation process. Your submission will inform our collective strategy due for publication in June 2019.

We are looking for submissions that engage with one of more of the following themes:

Better Urban Water Management Policy Update - Panel Discussion

Thu, 2019-01-24 16:35 -- 6147839

The WA Sustainable Engineering Society (SENG) and the Hydrology and Water Resources Panel invite you to a presentation about the Better Urban Water Management Policy Update at 12pm (for a 12:30pm start) to 1:30pm on Monday 11th February at the WA EA Auditorium.

FREE to SENG members ($30 non-members), Register here: https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/event/2019/01/better-urban-water-m...


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