QLD Events

Brisbane District Cooling System

Wed, 2013-04-03 18:47 -- adminssee

CitySmart is investigating the feasibility of a District Cooling System (DCS) for the Brisbane Central Business District. A district cooling system is a centralised water chilling system that will replace the chillers and cooling towers within individual buildings, supplying them instead with chilled water through underground pipes. When combined with Thermal Energy Storage (TES), the system can chill water during off-peak periods and will result in significant energy savings for individual buildings (and overall), as well as significant cost savings.

Carbon Farming

Sun, 2013-02-10 17:23 -- adminssee

Speakers: Wilfred Finn, Senior Associate at Norton Rose Australia

                Lauren Cunningham, Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

The Carbon Farming Initative (CFI) is an Australian Government program that was introduced in late 2011 and unlike other parts of the Clean Energy Futures package, appears to be supported by the Federal Opposition parties.

Qld Green Tape Reduction Act - What you need to know

Mon, 2012-09-24 17:35 -- adminssee

The Environmental Protection (Greentape Reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2012 (Greentape Reduction Act) primarily amends the licensing framework under the EP Act and will come into force on 31 March 2013.

It aims to streamline, integrate and coordinate regulatory requirements under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act) without compromising environmental outcomes.

SSEE & WMAA 13th Annual Environmental Undergraduate Student Award Night

Wed, 2012-09-19 14:47 -- adminssee

This year's event is being hosted by the Queensland University of Technology Gardens Point campus. The purpose of the night is to allow Environmental Engineering and Science undergraduate students from Queensland universities to feature their thesis and project work to an audience of industry professionals and fellow students.

The event also allows a demonstration of the directions in current environmental research and to show the diversity and quality of content in thesis studies from all over Queensland.


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