Smart Water Metering and Seaway Smart Release - 3 Innovative Water Research Projects

Mon, 2011-11-14 19:56 -- adminssee
Tuesday, August 17, 2010 - 18:30 to 20:30
Rachelle Willis, Carla Beal and Anna Hollingsworth
Engineering House, Canberra
Event Details: 

This session disseminated the results of three innovative research collaboration projects undertaken with Allconnex Water, Griffith University and the Urban Water Security Research Alliance.

Rachelle Willis, presented a summary of the major findings from her 3.5 year end use research portfolio. The Gold Coast Watersaver End Use Study involved data collected in residential homes in both dual and single reticulated supply regions on the Gold Coast. Details of the domestic end use consumption for Gold Coast residents and the end use water savings attributed to dual reticulated recycled water supply will be presented. Diurnal patterns of consumption in single and dual reticulated regions, the effect of water conservation and environmental attitudes on end use water consumption and the effect of alarming visual display monitors affecting shower end use water and energy conservation will be discussed. Details of industry application of results concluded the presentation.

Cara Beal presented results from a desktop study of potable water reductions from internally plumbed rainwater tanks in SEQ which she undertook while working with the Department of Environment and Resource Management and CSIRO. The study forms one component of the Urban Water Security Research Alliance Decentralised Systems project. The study aimed to estimate a range of savings from internally plumbed rainwater tanks installed in new residential developments as part of the requirements under the revised Queensland Development Code in January 2007. Results were presented from four regions around SEQ using a method developed from historical council water billing data. The variation in mains water savings between and within regions will be discussed. Estimated mains reductions will be compared with modelled reductions using two predictive methods. The presentation concluded with recommendations for Stage 2 of the analysis and a progress overview of Stage 2.

Cara's presentation is available here.

Anna Hollingsworth, presented the results of the Gold Coast Seaway SmartRelease Project, a collaboration between Allconnex Water, DHI Water and Environment and the Griffith Centre for Coastal Management. The project aimed to optimise the existing recycled water release system from the Gold Coast City’s largest wastewater treatment plant, Coombabah, to the Gold Coast Seaway to minimise impacts to receiving water quality. The project involved an intensive water quality and current monitoring program, detailed hydrodynamic and advection dispersion modelling and the development of a sophisticated Decision Support System which links complex monitoring data, computational modelling and real-time analysis of meteorological, oceanographic and tidal conditions to ensure a best practice, sustainable recycled water release system.

The session concluded with an open forum discussion. 

The seminar flyer is attached.